Mourning Would

Morning wood is fun.

I always called it "the lazy boner" because the Boyf never had to even try to get it.

If he was a good boy the day before, or it was his birthday, or Christmas, or I just felt like it - I'd wake him up his most favourite way.

Morning head.

Best solution to morning wood out there...

Stupid thread. Stupid avatar. You're ignored. Step up your game bro.
Stupid thread. Stupid avatar. You're ignored. Step up your game bro.
Maybe you should take care of your mourning wood and you'll feel better...

This mourning I would be working from home and doing my friends dishes.

He's a good friend. Not a give a head in the morning kind of friend. But definitely a take out the garbage and do his dishes kind of friend.

Have a great day!
My bad. This is about Alan Rickman isn't it? Yes, I agree, mourning would be unnecessary. We found him a nice place on a hill... under a tree. He is in a better place now.