Mouth swab drug test?!?!?! help please


Active Member
I've been smoking herb everyday for as long as i can remember, and im getting a job at a place that will test for pot using a mouth swab. anyone know what i should do to be safe?


Well-Known Member
i had to take one of these. there are products that you can gargle with to mask it, but I don't personally know of anyone who passed one this way. i just stopped for 3 weeks for mine (yeah, I know it's tough, I'm an hourly schmoker too!) going back 35 yrs.! but 3 weeks dry and I passed a spit test! 'course that was last year, now I'm constantly flunking pee tests! (ran out of fake pee)


Active Member
thanks for the reply, i do appreciate the advice, i was just wondering because i passed a spit test from the same place about a year ago, and i had smoked a couple of joints a few days before the test. When i took this test though, i held the stick of the swab with my teeth, and the actual swab never touched my tongue or cheeks.(same as with a sucker stick, you can put it in your mouth and bite the stick, without it actually touching anything.