moving from the east coast to a mmj legal state

i was wondering if there was a grace period until I could apply for a mmj card? do I need to have been a resident for a while or can I go as soon as I sign my lease? i've heard there are illegitamate docs out there who will give you a scrip for like $300 but I wanna do this in a way where I'm not being screwed by the health care system. I have full coverage and a true need for the medicine. would I be able to find out in advance if the doctor I'll be referred to recommends mmj? and if so, is it appropriate to mention I currently self medicate in a nonlegal state? thanks for the help dudes!

also this strictly applies to san fransisco


Well-Known Member
I'm in the bay area. you insurance doc probably wont give you a scrip. medicann is where i get mine its $150 first year $95 to renew
I live in LA, moved here on Jan 6th. It took me a little bit, but it was not because I had to wait for the card, got my recommendation on 2/18. I waited so long because I thought you needed to have a California ID, but all you need is any state license, mail proving that you live in CA now, and one other proof of living here, like I brought in a paper from the new bank i signed up with that had my address on it. Payed 50 bucks and I was on my way!

simple as that my friend! as long as you are receiving mail, you should be all set!
