Moving Indoors and Outdoors during flowering! +rep


Active Member
Hello RIU. I was wondering if it its okay to move my plants outdoors at the start of there light cycle every morning, which is 11AM, so they can get sunlight. They get direct sunligt from 11AM to 4PM. I bring them in at 4PM and put them in the grow area. Is it better to let them go out for that amount of time than let them stay in the grow area. The reason I put them outside is because I only have 2 23W CFLs right now and I think the sunlight is better when I can. I don't have any cash right now to buy more CFLs but will have it soon. Let me know if I'm correct.


Active Member
you got it all ass backwards dude... they should be on a 12 on 12 off cycle. I'd keep them outdoors for 12 hrs and either bag them or bring inside where it's dark


Active Member
How? I put them outside from 11AM to 4PM to get sunlight and I bring them inside to get light from CFLs from 4PM to 11PM. Thats 12 hours of light and I turn the CFLs off at 11PM and start the cycle over every day. Thats not wrong or backwards. If so how???


Active Member
that should be fine but i would strongly suggest getting a couple more 26w CFLs at 2700K for the inside. you can find a 40w and 65w at Lowes or the like. they are cheap and a great source of light for a small flowering plant. what you don't want to do is bag them. during their night peroid the stomata open up and the O2 to CO2 exchange is a very important part of cellular respiration (the process that photosynthesis stores energy for in the first place).


Active Member
I see nothing wrong with this.. But it is a great experiment! The general rule seems to be you can move them indoors to out but not out doors to in.. The Sun puts out much more light than any indoor light could ever accomplish so if they are accustomed to outdoor light and you try to give them imposter light they wont show you much love. But with your method you are giving them a fix of sun ever day.. I am extremely curious so please keep us posted!



Active Member
If your plant is only four weeks old, it's probably not old enough to produce flowers. And why are you flowering 6 in. plants? You're gonna harvest a couple grams off of each one haha, but seriously. Why don't you veg for longer? And either way, you're gonna wanna get More Lights for the indoor set-up.


Active Member
I should be getting some cash tomorrow and I will invest it in more lights. I am vegging so early because of space restrictions. Are you serious though. Only a few grams off of each plant? Wow. I need to fiind a larger grow area. I dont have the money or space for one right now though. Please help. I want a decent amount yeild. Not a few grams unless a few grams is like 22.3 grams. Which I know it isn't.


Active Member
if you have the room the biologist is absolutely correct. i assumed you were keeping if really small on purpose, but even then you could LST a little bit. the plant's yield will increase significantly with a little extra maturity.


Active Member
When you put a plant into flowering, it pretty much stops growing (unless you have an HPS set-up) and starts filling-in with bud. So you want to veg for at least two months before going into flowering. If you can't buy anymore supplies, just make sure you have them on a light schedule with more light and less dark (You can do anything from 24hr. light to 20-4 to 18-6, whichever) Just make sure the dark-period isn't close to 12 hours. Trust me, patience pays-off in the end.


Well-Known Member
Is your avatar a pic of what your plant recently looks like?

And because your pots are so small it wouldnt be bad to flower now. But your yeild ultimatly depends on strain and conditions. shitty soil and cheap nutes make for bad taste and performance. but if your lights are good on lumens. But if you did well and continued flowering you could bet around a half ounce +

And by the way your leaves are wide as hell, high humidity could be a problem


Active Member
Yeah. My avatar is one of my plants. That picture was taken about 2 1/2 weeks about though. Its larger and bushier now. If I veg one more week so the plants are 5 weeks old will that help any? I can get more lights but not a larger area at the moment. They are in 1 gallon pots BTW not those small pots anymore. I want about an ounce or more. How much longer should I veg to achieve the ounce of more that I truely want?


Active Member
if they are only at 6 inches, read up on Low Stress Training (LST) its relatively easy to do, and it will allow the plant to grow without increasing the height. you dont have to do this but it would certainly increase your yield and help out with height problems. just google lst if you cant find it on here. either way, expect it to get taller when you begin flowering. i dont know where thegreenbiologist got his information about the plant stopping growth when flowered, but i've never heard that before. the one full run i did with CFLs i got about 6x stretch but it was in a small dwc hydro set up. he could be right, but you may want to make sure.


Active Member
Alright. I'll put it back on 24/ or maybe 20/4 and let it veg and LST it some more. How much long should I let it veg until I put it into flowering then? I want to get at least an ounce or more. Please help me! I want a good harvest my first go around!


Well-Known Member
When i first started out and only had one 600w HPS but wanted to take cuttings and re-produce the strain. So i just pulled the flowering plants out after 12 hours and put them in dark cupboard, and let the other grow, even cloned!


Active Member
maybe another couple of weeks. it depends on the strains and you will HAVE to get some more lights if you want a decent yield indoors. i prefer 18/6 for my veg cycle but its really a matter of preference.what nutrients are you using? maybe i'm blind but i dont see it on here.