moving out door plant indoors the effects?

so i had a plant outside till it got around 12 inches got a light system so i moved it indoor. it looks fine but what are the negative and positive effects if any to this change


Well-Known Member
One possible side affect is you can bring bugs in with your girl!!!! positive affects its out of sight to prying eyes and you can keep a better eye on it indoors...


Well-Known Member
True about the bugs being brought inside, if you have other plants this could be a problem. The only real negative I see is the lack of UV rays on your plant which will help increase resin production. I grow in the mountains and move plants in and outside all the time to get the benefits of outside and keep them inside when the weather is bad. Really it all comes down to what you want to do and feel most comfortable with, how much time you devote moving them but just a simple fulltime move from outside to inside except for bugs no worries.
Happy Growing
thank you and it was in miracle grow outside but i heard that attracts mad bugs so i got it in coconut shit and no bugs yet what kind of light bulb has uv rays im working with a mh right


Well-Known Member
You would need to buy an UV bulb, probably at a hydro store or big lightning store. Sorry I don't really know much about them, I keep mine outside more than in.