Moving plant pot

General Kush

Active Member
Hey does any1 know if it's a bad idea to move a plant that's in a pot every single day to a darker place, at the beggining of their dark cycles because i plan to give its lights cycles during night time and its dark cycles during daytime.

Thx alot for advice/responses

General Kush

Active Member
any1 know if this would fuck up the plant or not affect it at would just seem like a good schedule for me cus during daytime i won't be at home, i would be at school and I would like to be home during light cycle so i can take pictures and look and check up on it ect. I don't wanna have to do this when i get home from school and wake it up during its night answers!!!

I would let light on from 6pm to 6am(when i wake up for school) and then sense its almost daylight out at 6am I would want to move it to a darker area so it doesn't get any of the suns light that comes in the house during the dark cycle. I'm trying to keep it on a 12/12 cycle so i can keep it small...also my first grow so its just a test of things and a first time experiment.


Well-Known Member
It might cause the plant a bit of stress and slow growth for a short time but i dont think it will have serious lasting effects

General Kush

Active Member
ohkay thats sweet because I wanted to move it upstairs maybe in a closet so it wont get much light from other things because in my cellar during the daytime alot of light comes in threw the windows and i dont want my plants light cycle to be messed up.


Well-Known Member
i would build a grow area for your plant in your cellar, i advice only moving it to different locations once or twice and that should be it, if you continue to move the plant it might interrupt its light cycle and stay in veg or even go hermie. why dont you just hang a blanket over your plant during its dark cycle, also make sure no one can see into your cellar where you are growing, it could be the mistake that gets you caught.

General Kush

Active Member
Great advice! The blanket trick would work great instead of moving it. Ill be sure to also cover up those windows too. All i got to do now is find a way to build a grow area without using cardboard cus my parents dont want me using that because of fire hazard.


Well-Known Member
i posted how to build a grow area in your other thread 'do i need a greenhouse' but the methord i posted depends on carboard boxes ;P

you could also use a old tent as a grow area, just set it up in your cellar and start growing, if you dont have a old tent and cant use boxes, you could try somewhere like behind/underneath the stairs that lead down to your cellar, the only fire proof matrial your mum will be happy with is steel or aspestos.

General Kush

Active Member
i love the tent idea and thank you for the replies on both threads i will try to convince her with the boxes and if that doesnt work i will try a tent