moving plants from the inside out last stage of flowering


New Member
hey all,
need some real advise/ i had a beautyful indor setup with 7 mature ladies and some 33 clones/ everything was great and the ladies where into their 7th week of flowering.
last week the police raided on my neighbor's house and arrested him so neturaly i freaked and had to move the ladies away. the options where simple. cutting them off and throwing away all the last 4 months work or moving them to an outdoor location.
i choosed the 2nd option.
i did it and it was hard but quick, the problem was that at the same week the weather got crazy, and instead of a normal 80's on day time and 60's at night (i live in the desert), i turned to 4 rainy days in a roll, with 55-60 at day time, and 45-50 at night.
the plants survived the winds and rain, no mold what so ever.
but here is the problem.
due to the weather some of the plants turned deep purple like they would do if it was the begining of winter (the end of life cycle for them), buds that where kinda small to medium size stoped growing and i get a lot of pistils turning orange + trichomes are not realy growing on buds or leaves.
in the growroom they where supposed to be harvested on mid april (around 3 weeks from now). but now im afraid that they will stop flowering and getting bigger.
i know i realy stressed them but had no other option.
temps now are around 80 day time and 60 night time - verry sunny and probebly would stay that way for the next 3 weeks.
new pistils are showing now, and i know that the buds and trichomes usually grow much faster on last 3 weeks of flowering.
i started flushing them 2 days ago and im going to check trichomes today with a microscope.
what should i do if i see a lot of amber or milky trichome? harvest now - or play the Patience game and hope for the ladies to recover and start growing back?
ever happened to any of you?
would appreciate some good advice
thnx - weedy.


Well-Known Member
Amber trichomes is an indication of the degrading of THC, so to achieve ideal potency, you want to harvest when they just start turning amber (or 10% amber, you'll see that as a standard a lot). You can wait, but chances are you'd be better off harvesting when the trichomes indicate to do so. The calyxes will probably swell up some during the remaining weeks, so don't freak out too much.


New Member
thnx uncle.
i checked on the trichomes yesterday. most of them are steel clear, some begin to turn milky. no amber yet.
i was not freaked because of the trichs just because the cups were like 10ft from my growroom and lucky for me it was night so all the setup was quiet.
i was worried about the plant cause of the weather and stress, but now i know that most of them are ok so i'm flushing and waiting for harvest in like 21 days.
thnx for the reply and answer.
nerxt week i'm starting my outdoor season hope for better luck and bigger buds this time.
peace - weedy
(sorry for the bad english, not my native language)

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
I have done something similar. That is, moving plants outdoors during the flower cycle. These are the two main things I want to share with you....

1. The drastic change of environment will freak the plants out, and they will most likely throw bananas, or pollen sacks. The good news is that your plants are close to finishing, so the male calyxes might not have enough time to properly develop.

2. The drastic change of environment will stunt the growth of the plants for a couple days. How quickly they recover depends on the strain's resilience.

Be vigilant and Good Luck.


New Member
cheers farmer
the mature ones are totaly okay
no polyn sacks tracked (i looked for those since day 1 outside)
wether is now optimal for them and i can see some good recovery.
new pistils are growing fast and i saw the start of planty of new trichomes.
buds are rather small due to the drastic changes but its better then nothing
now i start my outdoor grow, 3 blue cheese and 1 unknown strain. hope for better luck this time.
thnx for all good words there