moving to cali or vermont does anyone know howling i have to wait till i get my card?


Active Member
do i have to be registered living in california for a certain amount of time before i get my medical card?


Well-Known Member
I know a doctor or two but hey man wouldnt it be great to just puff as you please with no regulations or THE MAN telling you what you can and cannot do? Pipe dreaming i know.


Active Member
Yup, It's bullshit that we can't. All over a flower. Pretty nuts. They say to take time to stop and smell the flowers, the problem with that is the only flowers I like smelling are illegal for no good reason. Seriously have you ever read the reason's they gave back in the day for why weed should be illegal? The most racist bullshit I've ever seen, all with no basis in reality. For some reason it's illegal to grow and smoke weed, but things like fracking and genetically altered foods which actually do fuck up society are legal.


Well-Known Member
Vermont is 6 months of knowing a doctor here.
Now that you say that I remember marking a little box on my CA MMJ application saying I have lived here for at least 6 months - but if you are a medical patient in the state you live in and move here with your card still active in your state it is much easier here


Active Member
Now that you say that I remember marking a little box on my CA MMJ application saying I have lived here for at least 6 months - but if you are a medical patient in the state you live in and move here with your card still active in your state it is much easier here
Not here. I"m pretty sure it makes absolutely no difference from what I understand. I'm not sure on that though as I moved from MD where there isn't medical MJ.


Well-Known Member
Yup, It's bullshit that we can't. All over a flower. Pretty nuts. They say to take time to stop and smell the flowers, the problem with that is the only flowers I like smelling are illegal for no good reason. Seriously have you ever read the reason's they gave back in the day for why weed should be illegal? The most racist bullshit I've ever seen, all with no basis in reality. For some reason it's illegal to grow and smoke weed, but things like fracking and genetically altered foods which actually do fuck up society are legal.
Just watched a special the other night on fracking. Providing we"re talking same thing. A process they use to extract natural gas, absolutely crazy how the government lets them do it. But thanx to George Bush gas companies arent under EPA guidelines so they can screw up what they want.


Well-Known Member
well this is a candian run company if i got my facts straight and low and behold they have NO competition here they have almost monopoloized northern vermont totally. they wanna go underneath lake champlain with a pipeline now too fucken douchbags! That and our state gov, is being pressured by monsanto(the labeling of all dairy products with rbst) with legal lawsuits we cant possibly afford so yeah we ahve alot on our plate for such a small state and medical cannabis is taking a backseat during the election im sure!


Active Member
Just watched a special the other night on fracking. Providing we"re talking same thing. A process they use to extract natural gas, absolutely crazy how the government lets them do it. But thanx to George Bush gas companies arent under EPA guidelines so they can screw up what they want.

Yep. That's the one. The really fucked up thing is that about 50% of the wells that they drill (then line the walls with concrete) break sending gasses everywhere they aren't supposed to be. Some people can't live in their homes for fear of blowing up, yet can't sell their homes because they are now in an infested gasland. Hell, just look what it does to tap water in some cases! It's fucking insanity. The turds running our country are running it straight into the ground for profit.