moving to indoors


right now i have my seedling in a pot outside and it's first 2 true leaves are coming in..if i move the plant indoors what kind of lights will i need and how many?
I was thinking of getting some miracle-gro today and some cfl lights. I got myself a big fish tank last night incase i decide to put my plant in there and just surround it with aluminum foil or mylar.
Remember i'm only growing 1 plant
thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
what up kushleaf? using cfls would be fine. get 2-3 on that 1 plant. do you have anything better than the aquarium you could grow in? a closet? try foxfarm soil and nutes if you can. keep your cfls as close as possible without touching plant, and make sure your water is ph balanced at 6.2-6.8 good luck...


Well-Known Member
go to home depot or lowes and you can find decent cfls there. try the 26w or 42w. since your plants are seedlings, you'll want to have the 6500 kelvin spectrum in the light(it has a blue color when turned on). when flowering you'll want the 2700 kelvin spectrum (has a red color when on). however, you can mix and match those 2 different spectrums at anytime. you can also buy a y splitter so you can use 2 bulbs in 1 socket.... good luck


Well-Known Member
you dont want the bulbs in your link. you want compact flourescent lights... they're circular spiral lookin bulbs, i'm sure you've seen them before.........


k i just got some cfl 100w lights, and i covered my tank with foil and have a clip on light soaring into it about 4 inches from my seedling..
the main concern is the change in the light cycle, my lights are gonna go on at 12am and go off at 6pm aka an 18/6 light cycle
will this shock the lil seedling?


Active Member
well its not shock it just takes the plant a while to realize it changed light cycles.....and my advise for you is to not use cfl, they work and all but they dont work as good as a hi pressure sodium


Well-Known Member
i would use mylar, not tin foil as i can cause uneven light distribution and burning.

CFLs are fine for 1 plant,but if you plan to keep growing i'd invest in a mh light for vegging and a hps light for flower, or atleast one with a conversion bulb, you'll see a large differnce with HID lights as opposed to CFLs


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt recommend tank and foil. just put both pots on floor with light above em and you would be fine. cfls work great for a first grow..dont listen to everybody else about lights until you wanna get serious