MTVs' 'Jersey Shore' = a disgrace against true and proud Italians. Like me!


Well-Known Member
If I had the fucking chance to vent out how I feel about that show.. Jersey Shore... and I had the chance to tell the director and producer (same person I believe) what I think and how I feel about that show... ehh words cannot describe how angry this makes not only myself.. but my family as well.

The cast of that show are fucking LAME!

That is NOT! how real Italian people are.. thats not how we act..

That show gives all Italian people and families a bad rep. Makes us look terrible.

If I had the chance to take that show off the air.. I would do it without even thinking about it.. in a blink of an eye.

Persone ignoranti e stupide che ci danno il vero italiano sono una cattiva reputazione ed una cattiva immagine.

Fuck MTV ed i loro show. Incluso spiaggia di Jersey.. "l'italiano di asino fasullo wanna-è!!!! :evil:


Active Member
The show may not represent you or your family or many many other Italian American families. But if you live on the Jersey Shore you know it is a real population that exist. So what's the problem. It's obviously entertaining to some and is a real representation of a population that exists.


Well-Known Member
That's my favorite show on TV right now - shit is priceless.

Was pissed they didn't show Snooky getting punched last episode.

Gotta love The Situation - dude cracks me up.
i saw the episode and the screen went black for a moment. apparently MTv decided not to show it. she got hit hard. :cry:


it's funny, all the news shows are saying they shouldn't show the clip, as they show the clip.


New Member
Haha damn that bitch got clocked. Hopefully she learned her lesson don't get your hands in somebodies face - woman or not - you gonna get knocked.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I've never seen the show.Most of MTV's programming is inane.
If I had the fucking chance to vent out how I feel about that show.. Jersey Shore... and I had the chance to tell the director and producer (same person I believe) what I think and how I feel about that show... ehh words cannot describe how angry this makes not only myself.. but my family as well.

The cast of that show are fucking LAME!

That is NOT! how real Italian people are.. thats not how we act..

That show gives all Italian people and families a bad rep. Makes us look terrible.

If I had the chance to take that show off the air.. I would do it without even thinking about it.. in a blink of an eye.

Persone ignoranti e stupide che ci danno il vero italiano sono una cattiva reputazione ed una cattiva immagine.

Fuck MTV ed i loro show. Incluso spiaggia di Jersey.. "l'italiano di asino fasullo wanna-è!!!! :evil:
Yeah, he's a real man,there.It's not like she even laid her hands on him first.She was just yelling at him, and he punched her.Real intelligent response he gave her.:dunce:
Haha damn that bitch got clocked. Hopefully she learned her lesson don't get your hands in somebodies face - woman or not - you gonna get knocked.


Well-Known Member
Snookie got suuuuuuuurved!!! LOL

The show is freaking hilarious. It's like a train wreck, you can't look away.


8well, im not saying its good to hit a woman

i also do not know the situation taking place in this bar

but, what it looks like to me from your little .GIF

is that, like happens a lot, a woman, thinking she is invincible because she is a woman, got all up in a guys face probably yelling at him and insulting him and such

it really doesnt matter if your a man or a woman, if you get in MY face and start yelling at me, even when i attempt to leave, your getting a fist in the face

so anyone who watches the MTV brainwashing please explain what the entire situation was about


edit: dude i think he punched the short guy in the nose while his fist was on the way to her face.. look at the short dudes face, you can tell he just got punched in the nose cause he is crinkling it


Well-Known Member
That's my favorite show on TV right now - shit is priceless.

Gotta love The Situation - dude cracks me up.
It is a trainwreck. I watch it just to see what those dipshits are going to do. It is far more entertaining than any other lame show on MTV.

"The Situation" is part of my repertoire now. Every time I take my shirt off I have to say "I pretty much look like Rambo with my shiiiiirt off." Everything is the situation.

Get offended, I know MORE Italian people that look and act like that; than don't. It is a poor characture to portray yourself as; because we are laughing and rolling our eyes at you.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, that's bloody hilareous!

i do find it funny, the "OH MY BLOODY GOD" factor always thrown out there when a bloke hits a girl, because it's not what gentlemen do blah blah, well as far as i was aware ladies don't marry someone, divorce them and rape them for everything they own :)

women should not be living this dream that they get to swear, slag off, shout etc at a guy when upset purely because he's a guy, he'll accept it, if i was in a pub i don't think i'd yell at anyone unless i was not concerned about the concequences :D

but again, funny as fook :D


Well-Known Member
well, im not saying its good to hit a woman

i also do not know the situation taking place in this bar

but, what it looks like to me from your little .GIF

is that, like happens a lot, a woman, thinking she is invincible because she is a woman, got all up in a guys face probably yelling at him and insulting him and such

it really doesnt matter if your a man or a woman, if you get in MY face and start yelling at me, even when i attempt to leave, your getting a fist in the face

so anyone who watches the MTV brainwashing please explain what the entire situation was about

It was totally unjustified. The guidos were at the bar and these "frat" guys were there. The guidos ordered 3 shots and the "frat" guys stole them and drank them. This happened 2 or three times and she was confronting him - she called him ugly and he punched her.

You'd punch a girl? Maybe you need some "brainwashing." Cause if I saw you lay your pinky on a girl I would brainwash you with my fists. Pussy


It was totally unjustified. The guidos were at the bar and these "frat" guys were there. The guidos ordered 3 shots and the "frat" guys stole them and drank them. This happened 2 or three times and she was confronting him - she called him ugly and he punched her.

You'd punch a girl? Maybe you need some "brainwashing." Cause if I saw you lay your pinky on a girl I would brainwash you with my fists. Pussy

uhh fuck you?

if a woman was in my face yelling and screaming at me, and i literally could not get away from her, yes, i would punch her

just because she is a woman doesnt mean she has the right to act like a total bitch and pursue you when you try and leave, if she would not let me leave her presence, what the fuck am i going to do sit there and let her yell at me and insult me because she is a woman? hell no

now that i know what happened in this situation yeah its fucked up, i would be fucking pissed if some one took the drink i paid for

this guy in the clip made no attempt to walk away and avoid her he just punched her, and now that i know the context of the situation its fucked up


Well-Known Member
yes, i would punch her
You're such a manly man... punching women... gotta love how it makes you feel bigger and better than them, eh? If a little kid was in your face, yelling and you couldn't get away, would you punch the kid too? I'm not getting your logic... but, lemme tell ya... if I saw you punch a female in my presence... or anyone punch a female in my presence, you'd be in the hospital, and I'd be getting pats on the back from the police officers.


Well-Known Member
I been in so many situations when I should of knocked a girl out but didn't and it always ends with you looking like a dumbass.So I maid a mental note if it happens again Im gonna slap the shit out of a bitch not punch but a mean ass slap should do the trick.Each time that shit happend the girl swong on me but missed and I regretted no slapping her even all the girls I was with said I should of knocked the bitch out but I wouldn't be able to punch a girl that would do way to much damage unless it was some huge bull dike then I could make and exception.


You're such a manly man... punching women... gotta love how it makes you feel bigger and better than them, eh? If a little kid was in your face, yelling and you couldn't get away, would you punch the kid too? I'm not getting your logic... but, lemme tell ya... if I saw you punch a female in my presence... or anyone punch a female in my presence, you'd be in the hospital, and I'd be getting pats on the back from the police officers.

once again do i have to fucking explain this

ok, when some one is in your face yelling and screaming, they are a threat

when you attempt to leave the area, and avoid such a threat, and the threat pursues you, and (once again i have to say this, at least the third fucking time i have said it) the threat will not let you leave the situation, i.e. he/she/it follows you when you attempt to get away from said threat then you really have no other option...

do you understand? i never advocated hitting women, i even fucking said that in my first post...

but when a situation like this presents itself, and the cause of the situation will not let you avoid the situation, you have to take care of it yourself

let me give you an example. since explaining it three times isnt enough

im at a bar, having a good time

a woman comes up to me and starts yelling in my face, insults, harassment, etc

i sit there and ignore her until i just cant stand it anymore

i attempt to leave, be it to the other side of the bar or just leave the bar altogether

she follows me, still in my face, and stands right in front of me

i step to the left, she stands in front of me again, i step to the right, she once again blocks my exit

i go out to my car, and she blocks entry into my own method of escape of this situation

so im supposed to sit there and let her bitch at me?

no...hell no

step 1: ignore it

step 2: avoid it

step 3: leave

and when all other measures fail, you do what you must to get the fuck out of there

i have seen woman hit men in the face 6 or 7 times but the man pushes her and knocks her over to get her away from him and i have seen the cops show up and arrest that man...

because he defended himself

double fucking standard in this country

women should be treated with respect like the fragile gentle beings they are

so, given the 2 different scenarios i have given you, the opinion you form about my statements is your own, and you can play internet tough guys with your "oh id beat you up if i saw that" all you want

my statement stands