much needed help


Active Member
watup roll it up i am about to start growing a plant from 2 feminized seeds i bought off attitude i just wanted to grow one plant i was hoping for some tips on what SOIL-WATER-GERMINATION METHOD-how big of a POT and what type square or round. also wat type of LIGHT i wana use flourescent so any info on a bulb for just one plant would b kool.I would like to get off to a good start and have a strong plant i never did this before and any tips would be helping me alot n wud b appreciated alot so thanxs roll it up keep smokin ill smoke one for all yall haha peace. :leaf:


Active Member
That's a pretty open ended question you've asked given all the different options you have for every single thing in a grow. I think you should look through some of the stickies and do some general research to familiarize yourself, then when you have a better idea of what might suit your needs, ask more specific questions.


Active Member
its the first time i used dis and wasnt sure if it was posted till i seen all three of em if it helps just how much soil for one plant and what size of pot and what type of flourescent bulb can i use for just one plant.and the best way to germinate and plant