Mulit-strain grow. Bubba Kush/SourCream/AK-48/Bubbalicious/ShinningSilverHaze


Well-Known Member
FYI, my goal with this grow was to do it really quick and keep the plants really small. Didn't pan out that way.


Started BubbaKushx1Female--SourCreamx1Female--SweetDeepGrapfruitx1Female-- in a homemade computer growbox. 1x 125 CFL for light. Once they got too big for the case, I moved them to the grow room under a 150watt HPS. 24hr ON light Schedule

Lost some pictures due to a bad HD and no backup.


Transplanted all to 5 gallon pots.

Germed x5Bubblicious, x5 AK-48, x1 Shinning Silver Haze :shock:(Never smoked any haze)

Moved BK,SC and SDG under the 600 watt HPS

Put Seedlings under 125 watt CFL with reflector.

****It was the close to the end of December before I realized that the Auto's hadn't auto'd!(Even after combing the net for info, I"m still kind of confused on it) By that time I had moved all the plants under the 600 watt HPS and started using the 150watt HPS as extra lighting.****



Started all plants on 12/12 light schedule


I've started a MONSTER!! These plants vegged WAY too long for my space and lights. Added 2x 90 watt Tri-Band LED UFO's. Got from HTGSupply. At the moment I'm complelty lost as to how to arrange the lights and plants under them. It would be easier if all of the auto's were the same size. Half are one size and the other half are another size. Maybe a foot difference.


I made the desicion to take out SDG. I don't want my plants to be crowded. I hate to do that to a plant I raised from a seed, but I've got 12 more.


I added 1x 125watt CFLbloomspec 1x 125watt CFLVegspec, for side lighting


From now on I'll be updating ever week or two. At the moment, almost all the plants are well into flowering. What I'm hoping is going to happen is that the auto's that didn't auto, will finish very fast. So that I can make room for Bubba Kush and SourCream and Shinning Silver Haze(Very slow to flower or at least for me).. And, if Sweet Deep Grapefruit is still alive, She'll be moving back in under the lights :-P



Well-Known Member
Wanna give a update. In an attempt to see if pruning the bottom halfs of my plants would make a difference this late into flowering(3 weeks) I did it to 3 plants. Sour cream, and 2 AK-48's. I think it was a good decision as the plants look noticeably better. Especially Sour Cream.

The main reason for this update ,though, was to show some pics off of Bubba Kush....and omg. The only bud you can see really good without have to move fan leaves are the top ones but when I moved the fans leaves away the amount of crystals surprised me a bunch. And she smells too:weed: This is gonna be some really good bud. Bubba kush is a must have for my next seed order! Enjoy the pics.

Oh and I took a wire close hanger and made a circle out of it. Put in in between all of the stalks and the main stalk to help all of the plant get light. Especially the main stalk.

