Multi Strain Grow, Red Diesel, Nebula, White Domina (Advice Welcome!)


Well-Known Member
Ok so after my 10 nirvana white widows were compromised, I decided to germ and plant my Red diesel from Barney's Farm. I also have 1 Paradise seeds Nebula. Also 1 Kanniba White domina. The plants in the pics are about 2 weeks old. The white domina never sprouted and I ended up digging it up and the taproot looked SUPER nasty. Looked dead to me. I decided to place it back into the dirt and give it some water and a few days later it sprouted! Kinda funny I really thought it was dead but i decided to give it another chance and to my surprise it made it through. The white domina is the smaller one out of the photos and im pretty sure its a 100% indica. Here's what they look like as of today. They are all uunder a 400w mh and in Fox farm ocean forest soil. If anyone else has grown nebula, red diesel or white domina, Id love to see some pics and hear how the smoke was.:-P


Well-Known Member
the white domina is the smallest one and as of right now you cannot really tell the difference between the red diesel and the nebula. Theres 3 red diesels and 1 nebula and 1 white domina.


Well-Known Member
**UPDATE** OK so my plants have been vegging for roughly a week and a half maybe a bit longer. The Nebula has been outgrown by one of the Red diesels. The white domina was prettymuch dead and i replanted her and she came back to life. She's small one with only a few leaves. Ive watered twice only because the FFOF holds water really well. My temps inside my room are actually COOLER than the ambient air. I have a 400w light with a 6inch 160cfm fan pulling the hot air outta the light. For intake i have another 6inch fan pushing fresh air in.Nebula.jpgRed diesel.jpgred diesel (6).jpgred diesel (4).jpgtemps.jpgNebula (9).jpgwhite domina (1).jpgNebula (15).jpgNebula (21).jpgNebula (18).jpgred diesel (3).jpgRed diesel (2).jpgred diesel (5).jpgwhite domina.jpgNebula (19).jpgwhite domina (3).jpgNebula (17).jpgNebula (8).jpgwhite domina (2).jpgNebula (10).jpg


Well-Known Member
The pics with the thermometer is the nebula. The rest are red diesels and the little one is the white domina.


Well-Known Member
plants look real healthy bro, that RD is gonna tower over everything in a couple weeks, how long you plant to veg them for>?


Well-Known Member
I wanna veg for a month to a month and a half. I tore down my flowering room so these guys are all gonna start flowering together. How tall do u think the rd will end up if I veg them for 6 weeks??


Well-Known Member
I wanna veg for a month to a month and a half. I tore down my flowering room so these guys are all gonna start flowering together. How tall do u think the rd will end up if I veg them for 6 weeks??
hard to say, your using a 400 right? i havent used my 400 in forever, but i would guess maybe 1-2 foot tall, and about the hermi thing, i wouldnt be suprised if you have a couple, but the females you get with be awesome plants, just remember to clone and label them.


Well-Known Member
Yea im using a 400w. I meant how tall after flowering do u think theyll be if i veg them for 6 weeks. Are they going to end up like 7 feet tall? I got the height not a worry bud id like the plant to be around 4-5 feet tall after flowering. Also i only have 3 rd's going so Im hoping I get one good female.


Well-Known Member
Yea im using a 400w. I meant how tall after flowering do u think theyll be if i veg them for 6 weeks. Are they going to end up like 7 feet tall? I got the height not a worry bud id like the plant to be around 4-5 feet tall after flowering. Also i only have 3 rd's going so Im hoping I get one good female.
they typically double in size when you flower them, so they will prolly end up being 3-4 ft plants


Well-Known Member
Do you always grow red d or just once? What would you say is ur ratio of hermies from fem seeds??


Well-Known Member
Do you always grow red d or just once? What would you say is ur ratio of hermies from fem seeds??
i only had a 5 pack of fem seeds, i have used 4 so far, i think i had 2 or 3 hermi, but it is kinda expected with fem seeds...iv been growin RD just about every grow, i personally really like the smoke and high


Well-Known Member
Hey man i just got done reading like 500 pages on a study of Dutchmasters Reverse. You have to buy the gold reverse along with a bottle of Saturate (both made by dutchmaster) and you mix it properly and spray your plants about a week before you start flowering. Then 10 days later you spray once more. The guy who tested this said he had 100 percent females with a huge ammount of seeds. The spray doesnt work to good on plants that are already hermi ing but if you use this stuff before flowering and apparently its some amazing stuff. Im ordering it right now ill let u know how it goes at harvest. heres the link to the guys study read through it all its some good stuff. Too bad it cant "reverse" a hermie like its supposed to but if pre treated you will have pretty much 100% females.


Well-Known Member
nice, im not 100% sure what reverse is,.. but i was lookin for some STS solution to breed my femals together, ill have to look into that stuff, but i do know some female plants just hold the hermi gene, i dont believe anythig can help that, thats why you need a perfect female before you use the STS to creat male flowers full of female genes. but keep us posted on how it workes, peace


Well-Known Member
red diesel (8).jpgred diesel (10).jpgRed diesel (2).jpgDSC00900.jpgred diesel (6).jpgDSC00896.jpgred diesel (3).jpgRed diesel.jpgnebula (3).jpgred diesel (9).jpgred diesel (5).jpgred diesel (12).jpgDSC00882.jpgnebula (2).jpgnebula.jpgred diesel (4).jpgDSC00887.jpgred diesel (14).jpgred diesel (16).jpgred diesel (15).jpg**UPDATE** Day 12 of VEG

Plants are lookin good. Watered today first timei n 4 days. The ffof soil really holds water for a long time. Stred diesel (7).jpgill havent given any of my ffof nutes yet, Im going to wait until theyre vegged for 3 weeks. Plants are starting to smell too. One red diesel isred diesel (11).jpg pretty big and the rest are comin along nicely. The nebula is growin fast and has a fresh marijuana smell to her. Today was the start of the LSred diesel (13).jpgT for the plants and they are alredy showing lots of amazing growth. The white domina is about a week behind and small as well. Heres some pics.white domina.jpg


Well-Known Member
hey man, nice looking plants! It's my first grow and I'm doing White domina it's just over a week old now well excited lol just wondering how strong is the smell??


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Out of the red diesels (which people told me they stink more in veg then alot of plants do in flower) nebula and white domina, the nebula smells the strongest. the red diesels still smell pretty strong for veg but not as bad as the nebula. White domina doeesnt really stink too much right now but all plants together makes me house stink a little. I just buoght an 8 inch fan that pushes 760cfm and an 8 inch phresh filter so the smells is gone but i was really surprised that they began to stink after only a month.