Mush Taproots

Hey everyone,
I just started my first grow and I'm having some major problems with it. I got all of my 4 seeds to germinate, but 3 out of the 4 never even sprouted. Upon excavation, I noticed that they had very mushy taproots almost like they were rotten. The 4th plant sprouted, but the center of the first leaves are very brown and dry. I'm using Miracle Grow Seed Starter soil with tap water that has a pH around 7. I also tried to grow them in a stealth cabinet in my garage which got up to 35c because we had a few very hot days recently. Any help would be appreciated with this because I want to figure out what's wrong before I waste money on more seeds.


E Scrizz

Well-Known Member
Los meurtos is correct I believe. The plant's can handle extreme conditions, they like water, but they don't need it on the daily and they are probably getting drowned. I would try to keep it cooler in the room and cut back on the watering and see if they get better. I hope they do, and good luck.

E Scrizz

Well-Known Member
Also for germination next time, i would advise just putting them in a cup of water. When they sprout they have microscopic roots on the main tap root, and when they are sticking to the paper towel it can rip those little tiny roots off. That is no bueno. I had 10 seeds and ten sprouting in a cup within 2 days and all grew, I have been using a cup for the last 5 years.