Mushrooms - Pf Tek Supply list, Questions, Other Teks

Sounds good man....thanks for the info....I have access to fresh you sterilize your poo?.....and is fresh too "hot" or should I go for a more dried poo(like a dump from 6months ago)

look for well leeched poo....the best has a white network of strands growing on the surface...its called firefang...just mix a 70-30 poo to verm so your tub is at the proper depth...drop the mix in a pillow case...get a big-assed ol' pot yer wife won't mind you using and add enough water to cover the pillow case...add a 1/2-1 cup of hydrated lime...keep temps to those mentioned above...when time is up hang the pillow case to cool and drain...when cool give a quick check for field capacity and then hit it with your spawn...cover tub with tinfoil and perforate the foil with tiny holes(I use a pin similar to a hat pin) for GE...toss it in a room-temp place and look at it in 2 weeks...I also leave a bit of sub for when the tub is innoculated...then add this bit on top...when you see myc growing on the top you know you are real close to your let it go at least another week...often when I check after 6 or 7 days of consolidation I see pins its time to fruit the tub...take tub...drop it in whatever you use for a FC and mist and fan 3-4 times a day...once the tub flushes take it and dunk in cool-cold water for 24 hrs...drain excess water from tub and back into the FC...rinse and repeat until the sub is expended or the green monster comes knockin'...once harvested I split the bigger shrooms up and decapitate them...put in dehydrator at 135 and next day they are ready for storage or consumption...never have tried fresh shrooms...then start yer next project...hth
Spore prints

90% iso alcohol or as strong as you can get
glass tumblers (cups)
cotton balls or tissue (to swab alcohol)
sterile scalpel or blade of some sort
paper towels
flat surface in a dark cool place

Wait untill the mushrooms have fully popped their veils.

View attachment 1364698 (not ready yet)
wait till cap is fully open, about a day after you would normally pick them

wash hands, make sure to be sterile, I normally do everything in a glove box.

soak paper towel in alcohol and let dry completely, higher the alcohol content the faster it dries

make foil squares, fold them in half and re open and swab them with alcohol, swab glasses with alcohol aslo.

lay a few layers of paper towels down place foil squares on towels.

pick a nice fully opened mushroom, cut the cap off with a sterile blade at top of stem just below gills, some use a sterile fish hook to grip the cap so they dont use their hands.

place the cap gills down on one half of the foil (not on the crease) and put glass over them, be sure that at least part of the glass is on the towels only, you dont want an airtight seal around the mushroom or water will build up on your print, you need to allow humidity a way out. (through the towels)

repeat for as many spore print as you need, then place a clean towel or blanket over them, and leave for 24 hours.

after 12-24 hours lift off the glasses and remove the cap, (you can now dry the cap or just eat it) fold the foil over the print to close it, only fold over two side leaving one part slightly open for the print to fully dry, dry in glove box or in box with dessacant for another 12-24 hours then fold over last part and place in envelope.

Picture and Excerpt from the Book
Psilocybin - magic mushroom growers guide
by O.T. Oss & O.N. Oreric,
explaining the life cycle of Cubensis
View attachment 1369045

Basidiospores germinate to form a monokaryotic hypha, a hypha is a tubular filament; an aggregation of these hyphea collectivly comprise a mass of thread like filaments known as mycelium, mycelium comprises the main body, or thallus, of the fungus.
the basidiospores germinate to produce a monokarayotic mycelium,i.e., a mycelium having only one nucleus per cell. This mycelium grows out until it encounters another spore, that is a compatible mating type and fuses, this is called somatogamy, becoming dikaryotic mycelium a mycelium possessing two nuclei, one from each mono mycelium

A tip from the Microbiology department at Mcgill university on ISO concentration - Water acts as a catalyst and plays a key role in denaturing the proteins of vegetative cell membranes. 70% ISO solutions penetrate the cell wall more completely which allows the iso to permeate the entire cell, coagulate all proteins, and kill the microorganism. Isopropyl alcohol concentrations over 91% coagulate proteins instantly, consequently creating a protective layer that protects other proteins from further coagulation.

Also 70% is cheaper, its a win-win
Spore prints

90% iso alcohol or as strong as you can get
glass tumblers (cups)
cotton balls or tissue (to swab alcohol)
sterile scalpel or blade of some sort
paper towels
flat surface in a dark cool place

Wait untill the mushrooms have fully popped their veils.

View attachment 1364698 (not ready yet)
wait till cap is fully open, about a day after you would normally pick them

wash hands, make sure to be sterile, I normally do everything in a glove box.

soak paper towel in alcohol and let dry completely, higher the alcohol content the faster it dries

make foil squares, fold them in half and re open and swab them with alcohol, swab glasses with alcohol aslo.

lay a few layers of paper towels down place foil squares on towels.

pick a nice fully opened mushroom, cut the cap off with a sterile blade at top of stem just below gills, some use a sterile fish hook to grip the cap so they dont use their hands.

place the cap gills down on one half of the foil (not on the crease) and put glass over them, be sure that at least part of the glass is on the towels only, you dont want an airtight seal around the mushroom or water will build up on your print, you need to allow humidity a way out. (through the towels)

repeat for as many spore print as you need, then place a clean towel or blanket over them, and leave for 24 hours.

after 12-24 hours lift off the glasses and remove the cap, (you can now dry the cap or just eat it) fold the foil over the print to close it, only fold over two side leaving one part slightly open for the print to fully dry, dry in glove box or in box with dessacant for another 12-24 hours then fold over last part and place in envelope.

Picture and Excerpt from the Book
Psilocybin - magic mushroom growers guide
by O.T. Oss & O.N. Oreric,
explaining the life cycle of Cubensis
View attachment 1369045

Basidiospores germinate to form a monokaryotic hypha, a hypha is a tubular filament; an aggregation of these hyphea collectivly comprise a mass of thread like filaments known as mycelium, mycelium comprises the main body, or thallus, of the fungus.
the basidiospores germinate to produce a monokarayotic mycelium,i.e., a mycelium having only one nucleus per cell. This mycelium grows out until it encounters another spore, that is a compatible mating type and fuses, this is called somatogamy, becoming dikaryotic mycelium a mycelium possessing two nuclei, one from each mono mycelium

Awesome write up, I absolutely love how willing the mushroom community is to share information, so in the spirit of that, one other thing I have found through personal experience is to have the room where you are taking spore prints be cooler than room temp (below 60F) or place a drop of ice cold water on the cap before putting the glass over the cap. The cold will make more spores get deposited, and quicker. Im not sure on the science behind why, but give it a try and I bet you will be pleased with the results