Must be doing something right :-) Sprouts what next?


On april 20th I started germinating seeds. For 20 hours I soaked in water then in paper towel moist.

Planted the six out eight that germined faster into jiffy pots (another one has now so 7 planted hoping for another soon). In Fox Farm Light Warrior mixed 1/3 with cheap $7 cheap ph balanced soil to add body. Plants are under 2 100w cfl equivalent bulbs w/ domes. On 20 hours on 4 off.

Were in humid dome for first day now 2 days later have 6 one inch plants!!! With both sets of leaves, the smooth ones and raggidy two.

I water with destilled water about 3 full sprays from spray bottle per day. Lights are 2 inches away.

What to do now? Nutes? I want to grow this harvest fast.
They're 6 inches tall after two days with only two sets of leaves? Your plants have stretched very badly, this is probably due to the placement of your CFLs, you need to either place your lights closer to the plants or use a higher intensity bulb.

P.S. You may need to give your plants some support, they may topple over due to stretching.


He has 6 1" plants.
Doing great keep it up Nd do not use nutes yet. Let them grow first
Yeah they are one inch tall. I water a little differently I feel should I be watering more I am scarred I am not getting to the roots as I do not get run off. Spraying plants dailly with 4 sprays.


Hey another sprout, 7 so far! Just waiting on one to germinate. I added another CFL today so in total: 3 100w equivalent 6500k CFL's with reflectors.

They are 3 days old in soil and have 2 inches out. Pots are very light as I have been watering about 3 sprays per plant per day. This seems like not enough????? As the pots are not getting very heavy after spraying. Should I change to larger amounts less frequently? I am just afraid it is not getting to the roots.


I decided to change it up a bit and instead of spraying I am watering about 100 ml every two days. Does that sound about right they are still in there jiffy pots w/ 4 100w equiv cfls 3 inches away. Maintaining temperature in the room at 70 degrees + heat from CFL's.

How much heat do they produce when that close to plant? Should I set thermostat on heater to 65 in closet?


Active Member
Hey DadaaP,

I am on week two of my first grow so am in no way an expert by any stretch of the imagination but I gave my girl 1/2c of water all around her stem and then waited till the top inch of soil was dry before giving her more, took maybe 3 or 4 days.


Hey DadaaP,

I am on week two of my first grow so am in no way an expert by any stretch of the imagination but I gave my girl 1/2c of water all around her stem and then waited till the top inch of soil was dry before giving her more, took maybe 3 or 4 days.
Awesome thank you!! Have been looking for a deffinite. What cups did you have?


Active Member
You asked about nutes, and I would def start using something like this lineup from Advanced Nutrients:

Sensi A&B
Voodoo Juice
Big Bud
Bud Candy

I've also added:

Final Phase

It's a lot, yeah, but I think it's worth it. There's a nutrient calculator that will explain this better to you than I can. I just know what I do now and I don't really give it a heck of a lot of thought.....I probably should. LOL