Mutant Seedling


Active Member
Hi guys Im pretty new to this site. Ive been growing indoor for the last year and a half from clones and Ive been very successful. I recently started some seeds because I want to have a different strain because everyone I know thats grows is growing the same thing as me and I like variation. So I started some seeds that had been given too me from my friend that smuggled them back from amsterdam. I have sensi star, mendicino madness , love potion #1, and 1 thai-tanic seed. I germed 5 madness seeds, 3 sensi star, and the 1 thai-tanic. So far only the sensi and madness have germed. One sensi star germed the next day so I put it in a rockwool cube and put it with my mothers under a t5. I have never grown from seedling to finish yet, because I have allways been provided with quality clones, but I have started seeds in the hills around where I live back when I was younger and I have never seen a seedling look so wierd. I talked to my dad about it because he has years of experiance growing, and he said he has had seeds that did this on their first set of leaves but never theyre second pair too. He doesent really know why they do that, but he suspects it was because the seeds are old. Anyone ever grown a plant that looked this fucked up in the begining of life? Does anyone knows why its doing this? and does anyone know if its worth keeping or should I kill it?



Active Member
Those pictures were taken when it was only 10 days old, give or take a day or two. cant remember the exact day. I havent seen them since friday because Ive been out of town, but Im going to see them tonight, and I plan on taking more pictures and posting them.


New Member
She is an odd one isn't she? I have seen seedlings do funny things before. Working with auto strains leads to ALOT of seed starting. What i can tell you from my own experience is that when a seedling looks bad in the beginning it never seems to do aswell as the ones that look good. My solution is to chuck the little mutants in the trash but i have 100's of seeds to work with aswell, since you have so few i would probably let it grow and see if it recovers, whats the worst that can happen?


New Member
I did have one out of the 3 im growing now look somewhat similar to yours. Its doing fine now at 40 days into veg. shes just 2 inches shorter. I would hang onto her and see what happens....


Active Member
The seedling is sensi star. I put 3 sensi star seeds into germ before I went to bed and this one germed overnight so I put it in the rockwool cube the next morning. 2/3 sensi stars have germed now and 5/5 mendicino madness but my thai-tanic hasnt germed :( I was looking forward to having a thai strain. I hope the sensi pulls out of it, It would be really cool if it turns out to be really good and then I can show my friends how retarded it started.


Active Member
bongsmiliewhat is the best thing to grow your plants in, and deos any 1 know why the tips of my leaves are going like a yellow/lime green i have got them on a 18 hr light cyle until they get a bit bigger but am worried about the wierd colours on the leaves any1 help e out plz thankz.


Active Member
bongsmiliewhat is the best thing to grow your plants in, and deos any 1 know why the tips of my leaves are going like a yellow/lime green i have got them on a 18 hr light cyle until they get a bit bigger but am worried about the wierd colours on the leaves any1 help e out plz thankz.
I would grow my plants in soil if I could grow outside, but I like rockwool for indoor growing. And about your plants, sounds like a nitrogen deficency, what are you growing them in and what kind of lights are they under? do you have any pictures?


Well-Known Member
no one should nute that early, not every problem is nute burn. only give advice if u know the answer.