My 1 and half month old plant.


Well-Known Member
Hey i wanted to see what you guys think im gonna post some pics of my plant tell me what you think.. ive been putting it on 12/12 for a week already and still no signs of sex.



Well-Known Member
i think u need a closer pic of ur nodes to tell. look for tiny hairs or balls to tell the sex.


Well-Known Member
new growth looks a little yellow/light. no burnt tips might need to up your nutes or add something. but looks good. if its stretching out then its flowering just give it more time to see the flowers.


Well-Known Member
ok cool, i one time put the light on for 13 hours of dark i accident when it was 830pm - 830am 12/12 so i turned lights back on 930 could i switch back to 8 30 pm?


Well-Known Member
yea i was thinkin the same thing keep yourself posted im soo glad i registered on this website every stoner with a comp should register!


Well-Known Member
today i was supposed to put lights on at 930 and i put them on at 11 please tell me what to do.. i hope i dont get a hermie.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what else to say other than get a timer, I've only just started growing & find them a godsend x


Well-Known Member
they should be ok,,,,my first grow was without a timer so the light schedule was not spot on throughout the whole grow,i ended up with 3 FAT nl females so i was happy,but maybe some strains cope with that sort of thing better than others,,,,i woudnt worry too much,,,,peace


Well-Known Member
or do you think I should put it back to 24 hour light until the 3rd, when i can get a timer?
when you get a timer make sure that you either put it back into veg (24/0 I perfer) or keep the time that you last turned the lights on and off and try to keep it that way

but the best thing to do I would say to put it back into veg mode


Well-Known Member
ok i hope it doesnt affect the plant badly, i put it on 12/12 for a wk, well... anyway.. im sure it wont affect it, i have 4 main tops instead of 2 cause of topping due to light falling on it, yea ill keep it 24 hours of light, then when I get a timer, ill veg for about another week or so then go into flower for move development in tops.