Well-Known Member
This is my first time growing so any input is definitely appreciated. Germinated the seeds in paper towels and then planted them in a jiffy seed starter I got from wally world for about $5. After 5 days in the jiffy cubes and sprouting up nicely I moved them to solo cups, it seemed like perfect timing as the roots were starting to try and penetrate the bottom when I removed the fiber from the jiffy cubes. Right now they're 10 days old and sitting at about 2 1/2" tall each. I'm running led grow lights keeping them running for 24 hrs maintaining a temp between 73 and 75 degrees in my closet. I have a grow tent but my roommate bought 8 clones so I moved them for space. My current plan is to just go the way of sea of green due to lack of space and the ability to crop out in half the time and yield more per square foot.

Amherst Sour Diesel

Green Crack

Green Crack

Amherst Sour Diesel
I'm keeping a log of the grow, documenting when I planted the seeds, moved them to the solo cups, every time I have to water them, their height at each watering, ect. The last 4 pics are a couple days old so they've grown a little more since then

Amherst Sour Diesel

Green Crack

Green Crack

Amherst Sour Diesel
I'm keeping a log of the grow, documenting when I planted the seeds, moved them to the solo cups, every time I have to water them, their height at each watering, ect. The last 4 pics are a couple days old so they've grown a little more since then