My 1st grow. From seed up until now. Check it out!

sure the Fox farm nutrients is great so you just use em, and remember, less is more, start on a 1/4 strength and work your way up

a sure sign in Veg that the plant have used up most nutrients in the medium is when the bottom leaves begin to get light green for then turning yellow, as the plant use its stored nutrients in the lower sets of leaves when it can't get any in the medium

and yes H2O2 or Hydrogen peroxide is what Im talking about, the same stuff many Ppl. have at home to clean cut`s, or in the 60ish to bleach your hair :D
read the article, the H2O2 will bring oxygen to your medium and attack any bacteria or living tissue, like Bug`s (my best guess based on the info you provided is that it is white flies you have ?)
sure the Fox farm nutrients is great so you just use em, and remember, less is more, start on a 1/4 strength and work your way up

a sure sign in Veg that the plant have used up most nutrients in the medium is when the bottom leaves begin to get light green for then turning yellow, as the plant use its stored nutrients in the lower sets of leaves when it can't get any in the medium

and yes H2O2 or Hydrogen peroxide is what Im talking about, the same stuff many Ppl. have at home to clean cut`s, or in the 60ish to bleach your hair :D
read the article, the H2O2 will bring oxygen to your medium and attack any bacteria or living tissue, like Bug`s (my best guess based on the info you provided is that it is white flies you have ?)

possibly white flies. but they do look like springtails, and I've heard spring tails are harmless they are just there to eat dead stuff in the soil. And cool il just work with the nutes i got. Also i could only find this type of H202 …
35% is all i could find is this ok?
yea it works, but need to delude it or if you do get it, go for the small bottle with the drip tip, and just give your gallon of water a few drops (I mix 5 ml of the 3% in a gallon of water, you do the math :D) but if the Bugs are harmless there are no need to run out the door to get it, but IMO a nice product to have around if you find your self over water or getting root rot or serious Bugs or even a Cut on your hand you need to clean, normal drug stores sell it by the counter, so maybe look for it next time your near one ?