My 3rd Ever Grow Update Looking Ok?


Well-Known Member
She is comming along nicely.. Been a joy to grow and very very easy to grow as well.

She look ok to ya'll

Strain is form World of Seeds and was a freebie seed. Its NL x BBIMG_5576.JPG IMG_5581.JPG IMG_5572.JPG


Well-Known Member
Thank ya brother.. I'm trying to learn as much as I can from grow to grow... stepped my game up on the soil this time and used fox farm ocean forest. it is fantastic stuff.. next grow I will have to get some real good nutrients.. right now all I could afford was dyna gro bloom.. I did have some fox farm big bloom and loved that stuff but I ran out cause I used the last of it on my vegetables outdoors last year.

I'd like to get a 400 watt LED panel... this 180 watt ufo I use and 4 150 watt cfl's are really only good to do 1 damn good plant. I could in theory do 2 plants ok.. but I'd rather do 1 great plant than 2 just so so plants.

Amy Pond

They look great, on the lighting, I would go with Hps, I've heard guys say that Led doesn't produce as good a yield, but I'm no expert and I've never used Led, just going on what I've read from others, good luck with whatever you choose though.


Well-Known Member
She looks dam good nice color you could see the frost on the leaves she gonna be frostry as hell woo wee!But yeah stick with LED man just grab a Mars hydro 400 WATT when you get your money right you wont be disappointed.FYI there are many things that can go wrong when growing inside that can affect your yield it doesnt matter what kind of light you use but also their are many things that you can do to increase your yield long story short LED will not Affect your yield you will. And that Plant looks like she gonna be the #Truth#DamGoodGrow


Well-Known Member
Thanks everybody those pics were taken on day 22 of flowering. Im not a pro by anymeans guys but I did do a few things to try and help my yield out or at the very least get better top colas. I topped the plant one time and low stress trained a tiny tiny bit just to open the middle up a little then I lollipopped alot of the shitty lower growth.

This is my first ever true photo strain grow. the other 2 grow I did were autos. I was really happy with my 1st ever grow... I got 29.3 grams dry weight off of it and it was insanely good smoke. the plant was only 14 inches at harvest too.

Hopefully this plant turns out awesome

Also boys n girls.. If you wanna know my setup its this.. This is what I do on every grow and its simple,cheap,and ends up with super frosty , dense nugs.. you may not get 4 oz's dry or anything but you will get dense frosty nugs.

Lighting- unfortunately you all cant buy my UFO anymore. the company doesnt make em. Its an OceanRevive 180 watt full spectrum ufo led light. I got it for 69$ shipped to my door on amazon.

In veg I use the 180 watt ufo 10 inches above plant then I use 4 150 watt cfl's .. 2 on each side of plant. then in flowering I just switch out the cfl's to 4 150 watt 2700k's.

Nutrients I use and Schedule and Water -

For Veg- I dont use any bottled nutrients . I put transplant my seedling into fox farm ocean forest and only give it plain filtered water for 6 weeks. topping at 3 weeks, LST'ing at 4 weeks. then flip to 12/12

For Flowering -I take 1 gallon of water . I have a PUR ultimate filter on my kitchen sink use it to get my gallon of water. then I take an airpump and airstone and bubble the gallon of water for 24 hours. after 24 hours of water bubbling I add in 1/2 tsp. of dyna-gro bloom and 1.5 tsp organic molasses.

I then let her dry out pretty good before I water again.

12 days before harvest.... I flush the fuck out of her... then I let the soil get real dry for 6 days.. then I flush the fuck out of her again... now we have 6 days left.. I let her dry out.. when theirs 2 days left I unplug my timer from the wall and keep the fan plugged in on low.. keep her in the dark for 2 days then chop her down.
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