My 400watt doesn't get hot


Active Member
Hello, so I have a 400 watt mh running under my 5 day old sprouts, I do not know how far I should put them, I have an air-cooled hood, that's being vented, and a fan pointed at the glass front of the hood. Even if I put my hand against the glass it's just slightly warm, should I put my plants super close as if they were floros?


Active Member
Once I put an enclosed reflector (CoolTube6) on my hps 400w it made a huge difference on temps. I let my plants get a few inches away. I just watch them to see if they don't like to be too close or whatever.


Active Member
If they are closer to the light will they grow faster? Reason I ask is because I only have enough time to veg for 3 weeks total, and it has been 5 days already


Active Member
Depending on the plant. I've had some be ready in 3 weeks from a seed. But I've also had some take 6 weeks from seed.


Well-Known Member
Seems like at 3 weeks from seed is when they just take off from seedling into veg, this is when they have rapid growth " at 3 weeks" but ya gotta do what ya gotta do...............


Active Member
Yea 3 weeks from seed, but 2 of 3 seeds germed in 12 hrs the third took 36. Then those two sprouted in about 12 hours too, then the third took about 2 And a half days...