My 5 Females May Be Dying!


Active Member
So some of my plants leaves have started turning purple-ish lately, and I'm wondering what could be causing this. If you can't tell from the pictures, some of the leaves are just curling up and dying.

Any idea what could cause this?



Well-Known Member
Purpling is caused by an accumulation of anthocyanin pigments; causes an overall dark green color with a purple, red, or blue tint, and is the common sign of phosphate deficiency. Some phosphate deficiency during flowering is normal, though not too much should be tolerated.

I'm no pro, but I'd say you have a phosphorus defiency...possibly a nitrogen defiency too, but consumption of nitrogen from the fan leaves during the last phase of flowering is normal.


Active Member
How much are you watering? whats are your temps? Cold temps make your plant turn purple too. How close is your light and whats lights r u running? more info would be good