MY 800 Watt Grow Plan


As I learn more about growing, my plan has changed quite a bit. I am now planning a SOG grow with aero or hydro... New plan to follow later in thread....

PLAN 1 (Old Plan)

Hi. I have have read the FAQs and so many threads that my head started to spin. Now I have got a grip on what I need to do, and where I need to get the stuff.

PLEASE offer any suggestions to help with my plan.

LOCATION: There is a half height 5' unfinished basement under the house that is about 800-1000sf. The temperature is always 5 deg F cooler than the rest of the house, so I dont need to worry about extra AC. In the upcoming winter months, it is naturally very dry and should be around 60 degrees.

GROW ROOM: For my first grow, I am going to do everything in a single enclosure. I will buy a roll of mylar and hang a 4x4' area. The goal is to keep the light in, but the top will be open air to help heat escape.

LIGHTING: I have decided on 2x400 Watt HPS made with 2x400W Ballast kits. I will make DIY cooltubes, using glass candle tubes ($5/ea), appliance ducting, polished sheet aluminum, and computer fans. All the lighting parts should be around $150. I have decided on two instead of one because I would rather have hearty growth. The 400 Watt HPS are most cost effective without going to a 1000W. Because ceiling is low, I will be using 400s cool tubed.

TABLE: I will use a 4x4 board raised off the ground with bricks for my table. It will be covered with a plastic bib, and the table angled slightly for water to run off into a catch.

SEEDS: Seems like a good place to get them is I have read a few good things, nothing bad yet.

GENETICS: Rather than sex the plants, I have decided to start with feminized plants. This should avoid any sex mistakes.

I have decided to grow Northern Lights because it is supposed to be an easy grow, fairly potent, and lower odor than some others.

NUMBER OF PLANTS: Planning to grow six plants from seed to harvest. Would really like to start with less seeds and clone, but for first batch, will keep it simple. Nothing fancy

WATER: Two large 5 G open air jugs will be filled periodically. Chlorine will evap naturally. The tap water here is good

POTS/SOIL: I am planning to use soil. The Scotts' Sterilized potting soil I can get at Home Depot, and have read good things.

Beyond the initial germination, I will pot into small 6" pots and then transplant once into 3 gallon containers, making sure there is good drainage.

EXTRA TOOLS: Water and soil Ph kits. Oscilating fans, other. Lighting timers.

NEUTRIENTS: Havent decided on brands.

ODOR CONTROL: DIY Carbon Filters.

METHOD: Follow methods by Widow Maker on this site.

DEHUMIDIFIER: Not sure if I need a dehumidifier. Sears has small ones for $125. Maybe can find one on cragslist.

Any help appreciated. Will update plans as I learn more.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you shouldn't have problems except for the humidity in the winter. Usually in the winter the humidity is very low and if your basement is anything like mine it gets very dry down there. You may want to throw a humidifier in your 4x4 grow area during that time of year. Also dont forget to get a temp/humidity monitor. I'd also suggest for your seedlings building a small greenhouse with a cover to bring that humidity up while they are babies. You want your humidity at 85%+ for seedlings and 50-60% for normal growth.


Well-Known Member
add some perlite to that scots maybe some composted hore shit, worm castings or something... that is a heavy soil and needs to be lightend up if its what im thinking it is

EDIR: i ment horse shit


add some perlite to that scots maybe some composted hore shit, worm castings or something... that is a heavy soil and needs to be lightend up if its what im thinking it is

EDIR: i ment horse shit
I'm not going to use soil. Maybe hempy, maybe hydro setup.