My 90-135g Closed loop bho and vacuum oven setup


Here is my current setup that I am slowly expanding since this stuff isnt cheap. I am also building a 20ton rosing press, I just need to buy the heat plates now.

I use a best value vacs mini 45g closed loop passive extractor with the 90-135g upgrade kit. It has tje splatter platter bottom for easy collection and a sight glass so i can see what is going on.
I also recently upgraded my purging system to a best value vacs vacuum oven to replace my 5 gallon pot vacuum chamber with best value vacs digital heater pad stuck to the bottom.
my vacuum pump is just a cheap ebay single stage 3 cfm vacuum pump but it works and gets my vacuum oven to gull vacuum in just over 2 minutes.
For my solvent I use Whip-it north sea premium butane that claims to have "virtually zero impurities"

the second picture is after a run. I took the splatter platter off and put it in the vacuum oven for a bit before moving it to parchment paper.

in the 3rd picture i am recovering the butane from the main extractor.
I bought a chest freezer that i can fit the whole system into to get it frozen then drilled a hole in the top to let the hose run through so the collection tank stays frozen and freezes the butane gas into liquid.
i was using the cooler with warm water to help the recovery process but now i use my old heated vac chamber (pic 4).
using the chest freezew i can get the small tank to pull a vacuum in the larger tank recovering almost all of the butane. the last pic shows the gauge dropping down to almost 0psi, it goes all the way into a vacuum so the hash is being vacuum purged before it even leaves the extractor.
i spent about 100 (give or take 20 i dont remember) on the chest freezer but i never have to buy dry ice or make a salt water ice bath again. it will save me a lit of money.
I only lose 10g of butane while switching hoses on the system and drawing a vacuum on the recovery tank after spraying. i havr made about 6 ounces with the same 2 cans of butane. I use to ise an open blast system and would go through 200 in butane to in a day.

the 5th picture is what i have left from my last batch. the 6th picture is washing about 8 grams in 99.9% iso alcohol.
I prefer to leave the wax in myself but if the color is off or someone wants something dewaxed and all the butane removed I will getto dewax some.

I know there are much better ways than iso alcohol in a jar but im still upgrading my bho set up and building my solventless setup and just spent $1250 after shipping for this vacuum oven. I have around $3000 into it all already but it has already paid for its self and contunues to do so in butane savings! It repaid the cost of the machine the first week I had it.
between my grow and my friends grow we harvested around 60 pounds this year so we have a lot to spray

I am always looking for tips/tricks to make a better quality product (Im happy woth what i make now and no one complains about it, I just always want to improve so feel free to tell me I am an idiot and doing shit all wrong... Just make sure you tell mw the right way to do it... lol


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by a press! :)
who's to say I don't already have one... Oh wait I do! the return is terrible and I got this small system to learn on. I have now upgraded to a full pound system.
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And a dry ice bag
You mean bubble bags then use them with dry ice... oh wait I already have those and a bubble magic machine... why do so many people like yourself and the previous poster think you need to post anything here? why waste your time? you made suggestions to stuff I already own, kinda pointless! some people aren't poor and have multiple extraction methods! I even have a full short path distillation system from USA labs and Buchner funnels with as low as 2 micron ashless filter paper for winterizing and dewaxing. Your post is completely pointless! I didn't post about the press because there isn't anything to learn with it. I have been pressing out rosin for a while! I posted about the butane extractor because I wanted to learn about closed loop butane extraction. I have learned a lot and upgraded my system substantially with a full pound extractor, 50# tank of Extractors choice 99.95% or better N-butane,passive to active conversion kit with a cps tr21 spark free oil-less recirculating vacuum pump, solvent recovery scale, combustible gas leak detectors, hard wired explosion proof exhaust fans and more.
this forum was useless in my search for knowledge and safety, just full of ignorant replies! I could always spend more money and keep upgrading like I am that is why I came to the forums is for advice but obviously the forums are not for help and advice anymore, just kids with ignorant replies!
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You mean bubble bags then use them with dry ice... oh wait I already have those and a bubble magic machine... why do so many people like yourself and the previous poster think you need to post anything here? why waste your time? you made suggestions to stuff I already own, kinda pointless! some people aren't poor and have multiple extraction methods! I even have a full short path distillation system from USA labs and Berliner funnels with as low as 2 micron ashless filter paper for winterizing and dewaxing. Your post is completely pointless! I didn't post about the press because there isn't anything to learn with it. I have been pressing out rosin for a while! I posted about the butane extractor because I wanted to learn about closed loop butane extraction. I have learned a lot and upgraded my system substantially with a full pound extractor, 50# tank of Extractors choice 99.95% or better N-butane,passive to active conversion kit with a cps tr21 spark free oil-less recirculating vacuum pump, solvent recovery scale, combustible gas leak detectors, hard wired explosion proof exhaust fans and more.
this forum was useless in my search for knowledge and safety, just full of ignorant replies! I could always spend more money and keep upgrading like I am that is why I came to the forums is for advice but obviously the forums are not for help and advice anymore, just kids with ignorant replies!
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there is over $2000 in just the distillation kit and vacuum pump.
so feel free to keep posting pointless replies, just know that they are disregarded!
You sound unpleasant to be around. Keep spending money on equipment and growing 30 lbs of weed per year. Merry Christmas.
lol! I am unpleasant to be around if you are ignorant enough to leave comments like the ones in here. Why would I reply to ignorance with kindness? If i wanted any info or a suggestion about a different system I would have asked for it. I did not bit they felt the need to tell me to get a different system then the one I was learning. I would be very unpleasent to be around people like that because I would constantly be telling them to shut up. that their input is completly off topic and worthless! the only one that was half way helpful would have been you saying take it outdoors but that wasn't helpful as it is set up with explosion proof fans. When you come to a fourm that use to be helpful, years ago it was back around when I helped Doubblejj set up the first RIU after harvest BBQ. I have been around here much longer than this account, closer to 8 years, this is one created after i forgot my other password and switched phones. Now the forums are almost dead and full of stupid off topic replies. I like to waste my time replying because I hardly come on here any more but I have plenty of time since growing and hash making pay my bills. I also have plenty of money so as you say, I will continue to spend on equiptment. I grow more than a year as well. 30 was from a single harvest of only 5 plants. There is more than one outdoor harvest per year! lol
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Would it be unpleasant for me to note that it looks like the closed loop system is set up to run indoors?

If so, I advise moving outside.

The sight glass that you are using will not meet ASME, if you need to run a legal certified system, and is the weak link in your system.

It also looks like you are using a Mt-69 after cooler, in which case I suggest switching to 50' of 3/8 or 1/2" stainless coil in a CaCl brine mix.

Here is generally how I extract.

Here is more information on the evolution of the mechanics of the system:

You will note that we moved to chilling the injected LPG to -30 to -50/C.
Nice man I am my sealf about to purge some wax my sealf ,,u got any tips I am buying a vacumperge and clouse loop,got any tips on how much time or tempatue it takes to come out with good product,and how to turn wax into crumbles and such , any one got good tips let me know