That is hilarious (not the running out part

) I'm in the same boat. I play Dr Frankenweed, with my 4x4 grow, add this, building that, kill 85%, rinse, repeat.
That's why I've got a DWCW that I built and LOVE- I'm going to build one soon for someone else, I'll document it.
That is supposed to be be med weed don't F with it, but my 1st ever experience with spider mites (and their reincarnations 2 or 3 times) took care of that- 3/4 done with the supposed flowering, but I had literally no buds, and finally noticed webs on a single plant way in the corner-too late!
I thought spiders from the basement got in, but I didn't see any spiders...
Absolutely- never again will my indoor plant go outside "for some sun"