I'm pretty sure I figured out the problem. I put a thermometer in the grow space and it was 110*F !!! Wow! The moral of the story is don't assume anything - always check! Anyways, thanks guys.
Hey guys. You all seem very knowledgeable so I hope you can please help me diagnose my plant problem. They germinated on 11/7 so they are 8 days old at this time. Basically they grew a lot in the first few days but have barely grown at all since then (two of the runts basically just barely surfaced and then stopped growing). The even bigger problem is that one of them is developing copper-brown color on the edges of the leaves and a few others are getting sort of yellow and wilted on the bottom leaves. I have pictures here:
http://imgur.com/ra2ef.jpg (shows setup)
http://imgur.com/I6LWd.jpg (same - shows moisture level a little better)
http://imgur.com/haY1e.jpg (shows all plants overhead view)
http://imgur.com/FbB7P.jpg (closeup of browning problem)
http://imgur.com/BU0fC.jpg (closeup of yellowing - wilting problem)
I hear details are very important so here goes. I'm using Scott's soil from Home Depot that came with the following nute concentrations: .07N / .01P / .03K . Those concentrations are pretty low, the N being a little higher, so that's good right? I don't know the pH since I don't have a meter. The lights are 23 watt 5500 K CFLs. The plants are all about 2-3 inches from the lights (as shown in the pics). They get light 24 hrs. I have watered them twice, the last time being about 4 days ago. I haven't watered them since then since you can still see a lot of moisture in the soil (shown in pic 2). I had yeast/sugar/water in a seltzer bottle for CO2 generation for a while but took that out in case that was my problem. I bought some high N fertilizer but didn't use it since I hear they like to not have too much nutes. IDK what else to tell you. I'm mostly concerned that they haven't grown much and the weird coloring. Thanks for reading!
I'm pretty sure I figured out the problem. I put a thermometer in the grow space and it was 110*F !!! Wow! The moral of the story is don't assume anything - always check! Anyways, thanks guys.
Hey guys. You all seem very knowledgeable so I hope you can please help me diagnose my plant problem. They germinated on 11/7 so they are 8 days old at this time. Basically they grew a lot in the first few days but have barely grown at all since then (two of the runts basically just barely surfaced and then stopped growing). The even bigger problem is that one of them is developing copper-brown color on the edges of the leaves and a few others are getting sort of yellow and wilted on the bottom leaves. I have pictures here:
http://imgur.com/ra2ef.jpg (shows setup)
http://imgur.com/I6LWd.jpg (same - shows moisture level a little better)
http://imgur.com/haY1e.jpg (shows all plants overhead view)
http://imgur.com/FbB7P.jpg (closeup of browning problem)
http://imgur.com/BU0fC.jpg (closeup of yellowing - wilting problem)
I hear details are very important so here goes. I'm using Scott's soil from Home Depot that came with the following nute concentrations: .07N / .01P / .03K . Those concentrations are pretty low, the N being a little higher, so that's good right? I don't know the pH since I don't have a meter. The lights are 23 watt 5500 K CFLs. The plants are all about 2-3 inches from the lights (as shown in the pics). They get light 24 hrs. I have watered them twice, the last time being about 4 days ago. I haven't watered them since then since you can still see a lot of moisture in the soil (shown in pic 2). I had yeast/sugar/water in a seltzer bottle for CO2 generation for a while but took that out in case that was my problem. I bought some high N fertilizer but didn't use it since I hear they like to not have too much nutes. IDK what else to tell you. I'm mostly concerned that they haven't grown much and the weird coloring. Thanks for reading!