My babies arnt sprouting???

I have 6 going and ive got one:leaf: plant that has come up. now i started germation the old fashion way by putting them in damp papertowls then once they popped open and grew a leg I moved them on to rockwool and humidty dome. (im using a hydro system) now only one of the 6 has come up and they have been under a T5 for 5 days. By the way all seeds are femenized not that that has anything to do with it. should i just wait for the others or should i move that one under my hps once the roots start to show? i really dont know ive read to much and now im confused!:shock:


Active Member
Mine all emerged after a day or so, did you put them all the way at the bottom? I just pushed mine in until it was barely buried, put a little piece of the rockwool over the hole, sprayed it with 5.8 pH water and put saran wrap over the top of the party cup. Worked a treat, 7/7 within a day or so of popping them in a towel.
Yeah I did the same.... maybe they got a little to water logged and possibly the ph has changed??? it was 5.5 when i put the seedlings in. well if i only get one out of the bunch then i guess ill scrog it then try some clones??? ive got about 14 more Grape ape and ATF seeds left should i try over???? temps stay around 79.9 to 85.9 humidty from 35 to 40 percent