My babies don't want to stand on their own


My young uns are just a week and a half old. I've had many kids before and they all have stood up and grown beautifully, but these.. well these just lay across the side of the cup. They are healthy and are growing their little leaves and I cant think of anything I've done differently with this group. I'd add a pic but my camera is down. Anyways, I'm sure there are many wise farmers out there can give me a few tips bongsmilie time to smoke


Active Member
Sounds like the medium is too moist or the soil is a little too concentrated and/or the light is too dim.
Stake them up with toothpicks and add some moist soil around the stem and the toothpick so they are properly supported. Next, put a heating pad set on low underneath them so the soil stays around 75-80 degrees for a few weeks and they'll be fine.
My 2 cents of advice, always use a propagating dome and a heating pad when popping your seeds. They usually always sprout just fine when using proper equipment. And its not like a dome and heating pad is expensive. 30 bucks of insurance if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
Bro the last thing he wants is a dome if the problem is overwatering. Ok for sprouting not for seedling growth.


Stake them up with toothpicks and add some moist soil around the stem and the toothpick so they are properly supported. Next, put a heating pad set on low underneath them so the soil stays around 75-80 degrees for a few weeks and they'll be fine.