My babies need help ( 2 )


Active Member
Hi there all
I hope someone can give me some advice about three days ago i gave my two babies some nutes for the first time after advice from you guys i have given them formulex . My tap water ph is 7.5 (after getting a ph meter ) but drops to 6.3 when i added the 2 mil of the above nutes the soil is bio G . In 7.5 litre pots. The bottle says 10 mil per litre but i did not want to burn them at first. I have shared the 1 litre solution with both plants, and the water that drains off is 5.5 ph I dont know if i am over reacting but since my last post they seem to have got worse i have added some pics to help , by the way the plants are himalaya gold (greenhouse seeds ) any advice would be great as being a newbie i have not much idea on ph control
.temp is 74f any help would be great :cry:



Active Member
My last post ( my babies need help ) there where some pics with no nutes they had started to discolour and dry then ? :confused:


Active Member
flush them with clean water for a few days see if they pick up,Like litho said they're a not mature enough for nutes.


Well-Known Member
I use natural ferts like fish oil's that have low doses, like 5-1-1 when they are this big. I'd say wait til about 1 month until using anything higher than that.


Active Member
I personally dont give em any nutes till they have at least 6 sets of leaves because IMO there's enough feed in the compost to get em well established..They do look small for six week old but it depends what light ya using.Look at my plants in avatar they're only 3 weeks from seed no nutes as yet!