My babies need help


Active Member
Hey, first time grower i'm using miracle grow organic soil and was wondering if the stuff is alright to use. My plants are having some health problems. Red stems, the bottom leaf on one turned yellowish orangish and curled up, some top leaves appear to have like lil veins or lines runnin in them. Also some bottome leaves have yellow spots. Need some help on what this could be. Maybe nutes, or the MG soil, plus its in a not so good environment. In an attic wit temps like 85 i just put a fan to move air. Would love some advice for my plants.


Well-Known Member
I'm a first time grower also using MG. I've been reading alot of bad stuff on
RIU about it. My grow is going very well, I'm 4 weeks into flowering. I'm not using straight MG. I mixed several other things with it before I potted, like vermiculite, perlite, humus, lime, peat moss and plenty of sand. All during veg I never added any ferts. When they went into flowering I watered with MG Bloom Booster once every two weeks and I added 1 TBLS of molasses per gal on the last watering. My plants look good and the buds are stacking up real nice. My temp is perfect and so is the humidity. I'm using 400/w mhs

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
I would asap repot in Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil,mix in a little perlite for air, then I would check for spider mites, if you have lil yellow spots could be S.M. if so use some neem oil and garden safe pest out ( something with clove oil, and such ) then repeat every 4 days for 2-3 weeks. The lil basterds eggs will hatch and thats why you keep on them.