my big bud diary


Well-Known Member
hello people monkz here,
just finished off my indoor snow white grow and yielded an oz per plant, was ok for 3 weeks of veg i guess...
but now im flowering my 8 big bud ladies who have been outside vegging for 10weeks, theyre over 5ft tall and i only started flowering 3 days ago...
iv got 2 600w hps lights and have the room covered in reflective sheeting... got an air-con which keeps it cool, also got a fan circulating air round the room...
so yeh hopefully they will do well...
iv also lollipoped them and pruned them quite abit to alllow air flow and light penetration to happen more easily and also to concentrate bud production where its needed; at the top!...
also placed my lights on either side of the room as opposed to on top because they need quite abit of headroom which wouldnt be possible with the lights over them...

tell me what you think



Well-Known Member
no1 will be able to tell who i am,
im thinkin about 2 weeks left to harvest coz im already gettin quite a few orange hairs


Well-Known Member
just switched from 12/12 to 11/13 as iv been reading up on the subject and i think it would benefit my plants for these last few weeks... and i may switch to 10/14 about a week before harvest...
lets hope all goes well


Well-Known Member
big budd sell fast grow fast and the high goes away fast. my recomendation would be to grow the bb and some dank mto go along with , 4 ur personal joy. looking good . any aditives to make them look more bag apealing??? you gonna hold da block down . 8 bb = 2 pounds acording to the size and lights ... you rich niggah.


Well-Known Member
man 2 pounds is 32oz ill have a fukin amazin time wid dat lol
duno if ill yield dat much tho, i mean the buds are big but they still arent big enough to harvest,
i hope that these last few weeks make them swell up
then if i get 30+ oz il hold the whole city down LOL

and nope no additives no nutes, just added worms into the soil a few days ago but thats it


Well-Known Member
so at day 38 of flowering my plant 'o.j.' alread has about 60-70% orange hairs, the buds arent near as big as the other plants but it has matured much faster... all the other plants have mostly white hairs...
nevertheless here are the pics, enjoy...