My big plant was given to me, and is dying, what can I do???


New Member
This plant is one of the two I had given to me they are big and we're ready to bud but just kept dying and wilting. I cut I down and got them in the right kind of pot to drain the water. I don't have any fancy growers tools. Can someone help me? It's such a shame to see it die it was so big
Yea but it was dying way before I watered it. My boyfriend was trying to take care of them and the soil was dry and they transplanted them . What can I do .
I’m confused. Just need a lil more info. Looks bad. But iv seen plants wilt to this before and the new growth came in. But if you uprooted these. It’s a wrap
Damn... that has happened to me when I had to work a 16 hr shift an I got home lady was bone fkn dry... you would be very lucky to save her. I woud spray the leaves with a mister.