Your bill could have jumped up due to an "ACTUAL" meter reading. Did you ask your mom if it was an ACTUAL meter reading?
I'm on an ESTIMATED payment, and due to an ACTUAL reading, my bill just jumped up this month by $60. That's with running NO GROW LIGHTS last month.
I believe our Elec company reads our meter twice per year. Perhaps yours does also. There's no way Elec companies could read every meter every month.
When did you hook up your light?
If your bill went up $450 and your billed every 2 months, that's $225 per. Now if you've been running your lights for 4 months, and the jump in dollars was 100% your light, it would have been responsible for $112.50 per month.
But, if you are on an "ESTIMATE/ACTUAL setup and they read your meter 7 mos ago and then last month, it's feasible. A colder winter? More heat? "More LIGHTS left on", etc, etc. Was there a raise in your KWH cost? A minimal raise in cost over time adds up as well.
To overuse power in one month doesn't add up to much, but overusing power in one month X 6 really adds up.
$450/6= $75. It adds up. A little here. A little there. A small raise in cost. Some marijuana lights. Over time.......sure.
Or you can go with how your's from "Showers and Laundry and Stuff".
There's an old saying I always go by: "Liars can figure.........................but figures never lie". (cept if your Bernie Madoff)