My Cat Knows It's Smoking Time


Active Member
My cat, the lovely little pain in the ass she is, apparently knows what I do when I come home.

Every night at 10:15, I get home and go to my room. I leave the door open so she (my cat) can come in for a while.

At 10:30, I pull out my stash, and my cat meows, gets up from my sofa (yes, I have a sofa in my bedroom), and leaves the room.

I shut the door, put a towel at the bottom crack, and toke toke toke.

At 11:00, she comes to my door, meows, and scratches to have me let her in.

At midnight, I normally end up toking again and she partakes in the joyous sensation with me if I choose to do it. At 12:30 if I smoke, she gets down from the sofa again, walks to my door so I open it for her, eats some food from the bowl in the hallway, and comes back inside to sleep.

I love my cat. She's as much of a stoner as I am. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ahah im still trying to get my cat high, she hates smoke, runs away from it everytime I puff in her face. Oh well


Active Member
Mine used to hate it, but she ate one of my smaller buds one day, and since then whenever I pull it out, she likes it, like knows what it does.

That, and I used to shut the bedroom door before she could leave. :p

Oh, and she ate one of my plants the other day, haha.


Well-Known Member
ahah im still trying to get my cat high, she hates smoke, runs away from it everytime I puff in her face. Oh well
Serve your cat some marijuana butter.
I did it to my dog, my dog became really affectionate for about an hour, then he slept it off.


Active Member
Hah, that'd be awesome. I'm gonna have to try that.

Anyone else have some funny pet stories?


In before someone cries about "animals can't say when they don't want something! That's wrong, etc etc, bitch bitch".

Yeah well if the fucker knew English maybe I would consider his opinion.


Active Member
Over the summer i got my dog high for the first time, i held a treat so she would stay close, take a hit, hold it out so she leaned in and i blew into her face.
She got really fucked up and i guess didn't like it so the next time i tried to get her high she ran away immediately.

Now if she even see's my bubbler she runs up stairs and hides in my parents room =[ made me feel bad for a while but she still loves me =]


Well-Known Member
yeah if anyone cares high times had an article about getting animals high and it wasn't good for them...but to each his own


Well-Known Member
My dog LOVES blazing with me. Whenever I Spark one up shes scratching at the door to get in, she follows the rotation around to lol. And shes an alcoholic, who eleses dog runs into their room at the crack of a beer?? Shes little as fuck to, im talkin about my chihuhua I have a rot and she wont take a shotgun to save her live lol, but my chihuahua gets down.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I talked about getting her cats stoned once...

The ultimate decision was "it's unethical."

Before everyone freaks out think I'm going to say that animals can't say no I'm actually going to say the opposite, animals can't say 'Dude hook me up."

Given that I like to get high but have to choose when it's a good idea and a bad idea I can use my better judgment to decide to get high or not. Like tonight I'd LOVE to get high but I'm building a server for work and it's a BAD idea for me to do things that require exact detail while stoned, I tend to get overly excited and do strange things when stoned because I think they'll be great ideas. Even if they are great idea's I have to comply to a strict methodology in this process and any deviation could mean loss of my job. So it's better I'm doing this completely sober ...

Even though I usually toke up between 1030 and 1130 to take the edge of my insomnia, I can't have the cats freaking out at 1030 because they're not getting high. I already have to make sure they get fed at 6 am and 6 pm or they go psycho. I don't need to add another schedule to their lives that I may not be able to keep.



New Member
When me and my 2 friends was home alone at my friends house, his pure bred golden retriever came up and sat next to us while we blazed in his front yard on a bench (he lives in the mountains so no one sees nor cares) and his dog just came up and sat next to us, we started blowing smoke in her face and she didnt turn away she actually sniffed it in, then later that night we brought her in the car we were hotboxing and we shotgunned a bong to her nose...that dog is such a stoner lol, you can definetly tell she was high, her eyes were bloodshot and she just leaned up against my friend and just sat there with her mouth open and tongue hanging out


Well-Known Member
My cats like to linger around when I toke, but I wouldn't blow smoke in their face.... that's a little harsh. I've done it in the past, but have since reconsidered.


Well-Known Member
I'd say as far as animal health goes . . . . cannabinoid receptors are just as natural in animals as they are in humans (evolution . . . ) so I'd say getting an animal high is not bad for them at all.


Well-Known Member
I'd say as far as animal health goes . . . . cannabinoid receptors are just as natural in animals as they are in humans (evolution . . . ) so I'd say getting an animal high is not bad for them at all.