My CFL Aquarium Stand Grow!


Active Member
I started my very first grow using bag seed! Im sick and paying so much for weed and dealing with people I dont really want to, so I want to try and keep as much going in the cabinet as possible, so neither me or my girl have to every buy it again!

Im not sure EXACTLY how im going to do it yet, but I think after I get the hang of it with this grow I will just leave the lights on 12/12 always from seed, so at all times I can have 2X matured flowing plants and 2X small plants in there... that way I can harvest twice as much in one grow... know what I mean????

Anyways the cabinet inside is about 11 inches deep, 21 inches tall and 24 inches wide.
Right now I have 4X 26watt CFL in there.... two on each side right up on top... but tuesday Im going to add two more 26 watt bulbs... well maybe 4 depends how excited I get about it. :mrgreen:

Anyways... seeds sprouted this morning so this is what I have so far..!

Keep in mind this is my first ever grow and I will need LOTS of help!!!!!!

My first question is... are the lights close enough? I dont want to kill off any plants but I also dont want them to stretch!
Also my plan is to start LST at about two weeks in because I want to see if I can fill the cabinet right up with plant to get as much yield as possible.

What do you guys think???



Active Member
Something else I will buy on tuesday is some of those emergency blankets for reflecting. Im not sure how well the black will do?


Active Member
The setup looks good. You want to keep the lights as close as possible without burning, usually 2-3 inches with cfls. Just make sure its not too hot in there, are you monitoring temps? Have you got fans circulating air, also helps to build strong stems?


Active Member
The setup looks good. You want to keep the lights as close as possible without burning, usually 2-3 inches with cfls. Just make sure its not too hot in there, are you monitoring temps? Have you got fans circulating air, also helps to build strong stems?
Yea, the temp is staying right around 75-80 degrees with all 4 lights on, so if I add 2-4 more it should be just about right. And there is a 80mm intake and an 80mm outtake fan... both are PC case fans.


Well-Known Member
Not bad, especially with bagseed. It happens. Your good. I would go with as many cfls as possible. I think you are on your way to growing. Warning: you may get addicted to growing and it WILL effect your life.


Active Member
Not bad, especially with bagseed. It happens. Your good. I would go with as many cfls as possible. I think you are on your way to growing. Warning: you may get addicted to growing and it WILL effect your life.
Too late my friend. I have been staying couped up in my house so I can wath my plants grow and so I can research! Ive spent like 40 hours straight on here since I germed! haha Smokin weed is NOT addictive... but growing the stuff is!


Well-Known Member
lol no dude it doesnt matter if they dont grow overnight this early on...i was just like you when i started lol checkin my plants every hour and just sitting there lookin...but i found out its way cooler to see it when you water then come back and check it in couple days when you need to water see the differences much easier and i like it better this way anyways..anyway im just talkin i guess lol at me...but your plants are lookin good, just dont give them "too much care" cuz that is just no good for seedlings


Active Member
I just gave in and bought 2X 23 watt 6500k bulbs that I just put in. Also I noticed that seeds #5 has sprouted!

So hopefully the growth starts to pick up now!


Active Member
Well the plants have now been sprouted for 48 hours and there is no new growth what-so-ever! The leaves look green but the stems look almost purple... when I look at other peoples grow journals after 2 days they are usually doubled in size???


Active Member
Lets see some pics... maybe we can figure out what the problem is.
I came to the conclusion its lack of water? I was told to not water them for the first whole week... but the soil was completely 1000% dry... so I just gave them enough water to drop out the bottoms of the cups a little bit... ill see how they are doing when I wake up in a few hours!But whats up with that newly sprouted guy? He popped out of the soil about 24 hours ago and still hasn't stood up... all the others did within an hour! oh and the pics were taking before I watered obviously.



Active Member
It definitely looks too dry. Seedlings at that stage need high humidity and moist soil. The soil should constantly be moist (at this stage) but not over watered. I keep the soil moist with a spray bottle and also keep the humidity in with a sandwich bag over my cups until the second set of leaves. Once the second set of leaves appear I take of the sandwich bag for good and let my soil dry out and then begin my normal watering schedule (water until you see run off).


Active Member
Also how many days since you put the cups in? If the soil is drying out too fast it could mean your temps are too high.


Active Member
Also how many days since you put the cups in? If the soil is drying out too fast it could mean your temps are too high.
temps are pretty good... staying around 80 degrees... but I cant get any humidity in there! I have a couple of cups full of water in there so it evaporates and creates some but its not working to well


Active Member
temps are pretty good... staying around 80 degrees... but I cant get any humidity in there! I have a couple of cups full of water in there so it evaporates and creates some but its not working to well
Through a sandwich bag over the cups. Be sure to leave room for the seedlings to grow. It will keep the humidity in and keep the soil from drying out to fast.


Active Member
okay i am out of sandwich bags but i will use plastic wrap/// but what happens if the plants get big enough to touch the plastic? they aren't to far from the tops of the cups now.