My Delahaze freebie


Well-Known Member
Hey all, this is a freebie I got from Herbies. It's the Deahaze from001.JPG Paradise Seeds. Germed / Vegged for 4 wks under a single 18w CFL. Then I moved her under a 65w bulb. A week ago, I transplanted and put her under the 400w MH. Been 12/12 two days now. I imagine she will stretch well into flowering and gain much height. Should be a nice treat to bring in the New Year :weed:
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Well-Known Member
002.JPG Organic compost/ perlite mix fed with fish emulsion and earth juice. Topped a few times early on, she has a nice citrus-like smell.
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Well-Known Member
002.JPG I have the lamp dimmed a little, so I can place it really close to the tops without burning them. Wish I had known to get a cool-tube.