My Diesel (cross) Hermed!

Biological Graffity

Active Member
FUCK!FUCK!FUCK! My diesel mom in flower just started showing some BOY PARTS!!!!that whore was in flower for 42 days now , and I got to say its looking good, many colas got to be 3-4 oz....What should I do? harvest now? pick the pollen pods off and keep flowering? will she even finish now that the bitch flipped, or is she gonna keep throwing balls at me? Help....Should I hold on to the clones from her, or just toss'em? :wall: There is an option of bringing it out of flower room and finishing her (it) outdoors, but that would add to the stress and mess with the light period...any Ideas?


Well-Known Member
well... its your call man, but first off clones gotta die IMO...but 42 days into flower is a good amount of time....i would say if there is hardly and balls pluck em and finish her best you can, but if shes starting to really nut up just chop it, if its possible to put it outdoors, do that...i have to kill mine cause my state is all nazi and shit with the choppers

Biological Graffity

Active Member
Yeah, I'm starting to think exactly the same more question though, I run my 12 at night and if I'm gonna move it out what do I skip, light period or dark?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm starting to think exactly the same more question though, I run my 12 at night and if I'm gonna move it out what do I skip, light period or dark?
shit, i would say skip the dark if you gotta skip one....more growth, plus the long darek cycle might induce flowering, but dont listen to me im a troll;-)

Biological Graffity

Active Member
I was thinking skipping the light one she 'll think twice about throwing more balls at me...but I dont know, I also feel a bit trollish as of late LOL
(longer dark cycle induce more girl flowering right?)


Well-Known Member
I was thinking skipping the light one she 'll think twice about throwing more balls at me...but I dont know, I also feel a bit trollish as of late LOL
(longer dark cycle induce more girl flowering right?)
ahha, honestly i dont kno wtf i was thinking, maybe had 2 threads mixd way drunk tonight, but you make a excellent point!

Biological Graffity

Active Member
Thanx for helping me make up my mind about this one, if you're curious what happens next I'll post about it in my grow log, at this point its another experiment...PS after seeng those balls I downed 3 beers under 15 min LOL....


Well-Known Member
Thanx for helping me make up my mind about this one, if you're curious what happens next I'll post about it in my grow log, at this point its another experiment...PS after seeng those balls I downed 3 beers under 15 min LOL....
ahha, right on bro, nothing i love to do more than pound some beers smoke a J and chill in my garden with my ladies, but ill check out the journal for sure

Biological Graffity

Active Member
never mind, found it, 2 part solution, how would it affect the buds being sprayed that late into flower?gonna look around for som just in case....


Well-Known Member
just know dura mentioned it on uk thread, supposed to spray the plant and it turns it fem again..


Well-Known Member
Reverse is a joke, most threads Iv read about that stuff don't prove it even works....I would never spray it on Nything I smoke


Well-Known Member
lol if you care about your health that much you better quit smoking
really? thats interesting way to look at organic medicine is about as dank and healthy to smoke as it gets, and the though of spraying somthing like rthat on them just boggles my mind...find a true female....lazy


Well-Known Member
really? thats interesting way to look at organic medicine is about as dank and healthy to smoke as it gets, and the though of spraying somthing like rthat on them just boggles my mind...find a true female....lazy
never used it myself but havent had a herm in years.....dont smoke either...........

Biological Graffity

Active Member
...ok forget the dutch passion least for now...I do try to grow organic so we just gona have to ride this one out...but than again , they use it on watermelons and seedless grapes so....
I'm on the fence about this one, I guess we shall see how herm she will get...I'll try to find this stuff too...see how much....

Biological Graffity

Active Member the stuff....LOL reverse wont be here 'till pI pulled old girl out of flower (Fuck she put on sum weight! ;) ) and she is spending the night in a completly dark cold space...almost down to the frost ;) , figure that should mouve her ass along a bit faster are some pics....I think her sexual Identity is worth fighting for , dont you?



Well-Known Member
nice buddz no doubt, if you can pull her back from the hermzone that would be awesome, keep us posted on how the reverse works out