My Durban Poison should be in 3 months of flowering but they haven't flowered at all?


Active Member
Good day to all. I have these Durban Poison that I planted a while ago and they should be into their 3 months of flowering. They are about 5'6" tall (i keep pruning them so they won't get that big) my set up is as follows:

Region: The Tropics
Temp: Day 84 Night 56
Water Ph: 7
Soil Ph: 6.8
Strain: Durban Poison

Does anyone know how to force them into flowering?

Thank you in advance,




Active Member
Based on the pics i am assuming your grow is outdoors. If this is the case you really just have to let mother nature take its course. You kind of planted at the wrong time since the amount of light is getting longer, unless your in the southern hemisphere. Unfortunately they may not start flowering till closer to next fall. The only way to induce flowering flowering would be to cover them with a tarp so they get at least twelve hours of darkness a day, but this can be tricky as you have to be sure they are in complete darkness. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
What tropics are you at, north or south of the equater?
Your plant looks awesome man, hope it's a girl.
Do you know your current daylight hours?
Check the weather section of your local paper, you need daylight to be 13 and shortening.
Do you have any lights or nearby street lights shining, these can effect it as well.


Active Member
Thanks for the responses. I am very close to the equator but in the northern hem. The plants are definitely female. No daylight savings time here. No direct lights as well. The curious thing is a cloned 3 plants from these plants and they are almost done flowering. When I planted these ones I also planted (at the same time) some happy outdoors and they flowered and I cut them in mid february and I'm smoking them as well... I have these 2 in the pictures and have other 2 of durban poison with the same problem. The set up is outdoors in my garden and in my patio.


New Member
shit id let them go and keep cloning of of them if it were me. when it wants to flower it will. not to tell you how to do your ting though man, but if those were mine, id open them up a little in the middle so you get plenty of air circulation thru that thing. looks to me like its choking itself out in the center a bit. that can lead to all sorts of nasties from pests to nests to mold,ect. ope it up eough so's the air can circulate good

how many times did you top that thing?


Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
How much light do they recieve if they don't get an adequate amount of dark they may never flower. That's how you can keep mothers in vegatative growth indefinately.