My e-cig is here. This is cooool. :)

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I got my e-cigarett today. Took about a week. In the meantime I smartly turned down several gas card scams that already had my credit card. Lol, just some easy to disuade telemarketer, anyway. WORTH IT.

This think is amazing. It is a ceramic sneal a toke looking think. Except at one end it room for another ceramic cartiridge to be pushed on and secured also therby popping some inner seal. No on button. All I do is take a drag and the opposite end lights up like a real cig, exhale, and a huge cloud of smoke. THis is some cool tech. No switched, just a microprocessor somewhere inside that knows when I make the slightest drag. I did not beleive it when I read the instructions.

Came with four cherry flaveored cartfrdiges that suppsoefly last a month. I am not sure about that.

HEre is the catch. I dont see anyway to deal with batteries nore does it state. So I guess they must last forever.

However the cost is 100$ after 12 days if I dont cancel my subscription. THen 45 dollars every month for 4 refill cartrdiges that are supposedy a month supply if I smoke a pack a day.

Killer product. FOr real.

It does deliver nicotine. Just no byproduct. I can smoke it anywhere. No second smoke at all. Just vanishes.

I am writing a product reviews. THis is my seed and strain review. Lol. My keyboard is fucked so any typing error is her fualt.

I dont see how I cant scam ny way outa the 100 dollar fee andnot just buy refills.

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
I got my e-cigarett today. Took about a week. In the meantime I smartly turned down several gas card scams that already had my credit card. Lol, just some easy to disuade telemarketer, anyway. WORTH IT.

This think is amazing. It is a ceramic sneal a toke looking think. Except at one end it room for another ceramic cartiridge to be pushed on and secured also therby popping some inner seal. No on button. All I do is take a drag and the opposite end lights up like a real cig, exhale, and a huge cloud of smoke. THis is some cool tech. No switched, just a microprocessor somewhere inside that knows when I make the slightest drag. I did not beleive it when I read the instructions.

Came with four cherry flaveored cartfrdiges that suppsoefly last a month. I am not sure about that.

HEre is the catch. I dont see anyway to deal with batteries nore does it state. So I guess they must last forever.

However the cost is 100$ after 12 days if I dont cancel my subscription. THen 45 dollars every month for 4 refill cartrdiges that are supposedy a month supply if I smoke a pack a day.

Killer product. FOr real.

It does deliver nicotine. Just no byproduct. I can smoke it anywhere. No second smoke at all. Just vanishes.

I am writing a product reviews. THis is my seed and strain review. Lol. My keyboard is fucked so any typing error is her fualt.

I dont see how I cant scam ny way outa the 100 dollar fee andnot just buy refills.
Yeah, I wouldn't get a subscription to the shit. Just buy refills.


Well-Known Member
Go and google e liquid, much cheaper way of refilling them. you can buy the liquid in bulk and reuse the cartridges, they are sweet as hell.