My first attemp at aeroponics.. Grapefruit Kush


Active Member
Hey everyone I just started my first aeroponics grow 5 days ago. I built the aero system myself with the help of Stink Buds plans for the Stink Bud Jr. The whole system only cost me $86 to build. I am using the full line of Fox Farm nutrients. I purchased 6 Grapefruit Kush clones from my local CoOp. The unit is in a 4x4x6.5 tent under a 400W MH-HPS. I am going to continue to veg for another week or two then I will switch to 12 on 12 off. I have my pump on a 30min on and 30 min off, but as soon as I can afford a cycle timer I am going to get one. I will keep you posted on the progress.:eyesmoke:



You are going 2 b surprised at the growth rate.I am going 2 cut my first aero crop next weekend. 4 Wappa girls from paradise seeds. Smell so citrusy.


Active Member
So far I have seen no new growth up top but the roots have exploded. I have heard that the growth rate is very fast I am excited to see it. good luck on your harvest! I have grown in soil a few times before but want to try something new.


Active Member
has anyone used both General hydroponics fertilizer and fox farms separately? I am thinking of switching to the general hydroponics line because with the aero set up the fox farm nutes are getting kind of pricey.


Active Member
lookin good santee.... aeroponics excites me, i got some clones in an aerocloner right now and i cant wait to throw them in my pvc aero set up for flowering.

damn cycle timere huh?lol i remember when i first found out how much a good one went for.... and i needed 2 of them. so i found schematics on the internet and built 2 of my own for $40


lookin good santee.... aeroponics excites me, i got some clones in an aerocloner right now and i cant wait to throw them in my pvc aero set up for flowering.

damn cycle timere huh?lol i remember when i first found out how much a good one went for.... and i needed 2 of them. so i found schematics on the internet and built 2 of my own for $40
So why two timers? More off time in flower because of bigger roots? I use the same one for cloner, veg unit, and all four flower units. I stay with 1 on and 5 off.Yeah the timer is about the most expensive part of aero except lights of course. $65 dollars at


has anyone used both General hydroponics fertilizer and fox farms separately? I am thinking of switching to the general hydroponics line because with the aero set up the fox farm nutes are getting kind of pricey.
Don't know about the GH 3 part series but I know GH's floranova is a good flower formula. Organic 2. For Fox Farms, I only use the Big grow Hydro, Tiger Bloom, and Cha- Ching. Cha ching really brings out the oils. Sticky!!


Build looks good. Might think about a union above the reservoir, a valve, and garden hose fitting. Really helps when I pull my reservoir and clean it.



Well-Known Member
hey santeelocal i dont know a thing about aeroponics or foxfarm but will probably one day try both i do however use gh- flora series nutes & they work a lot better than the stealth-hydro brand nutes i used in for bubbleponic grow currently doing e&f grow


Builds looks great cant wait to really see it in action +rep.
I wanna try this system with new clones this summer.


Active Member
I originally started off with the ball valve on the spray unit but the whole thing wouldn't fit in my tent it is only 4'x4'. All of my bottles of fox farm are pretty full so I think I'm going to just stick with them, maybe next grow I will go with GH


Well-Known Member
I am currently using the GH Flora Series and it has worked great for me. Some people say the salt build up is a problem for them but with the addition of c2o2 and hygrozyme I haven't had any build up at all.

Nice Build by the way


Now that they r used to the hid light you might think about lowering the light, try 10" or so with the 400. And the cooler you can keep the canopy the closer the light can b. Oscilating fans work great. Keep it up and u won't go back to soil. Hopefully the timer is on the way!

tea tree

Well-Known Member
awesome. but i did notice something. those sprayers are on the bottom. I was wondering if they are going to clog and what the deal would be. cool tho.


Active Member
Yes the sprayers are on the bottom, I am keeping an eye on them to make sure the roots don't clog them. I moved the light down another 5-6 in.


Active Member
When you get the cycle timer is when you will notice the explosive growth my first 2 grows were without one the third grow I bought one I cant veg for more than a few days now or they out grow my space.I use the full line of GH 3 part in the expert recirculating expert program works great!


Active Member
Hey zero 1776 thanks for the input, if you dont mind me asking what pump schedule were you on before the cycle timer with the first two grows. They are definitely not growing as fast as I anticipated according to all of my research. I am definitely going to get a cycle timer as soon as I can afford it.


Well-Known Member
hello santee-nice set up you got there. I'm doing the same set up you are. Using the GH 3 part, micro, gro, and bloom. Also using hygrozyme. Bougt the CAP ART timer and doing 5 off one on. Some other products I'm trying, liquid kharma, Diamond nector, and Fox Farms Open Sesame, Beastie Blooms, and Cha Ching. Any Questions more than happy to help...good luck. You are going to love the process once you get it going.


Active Member
Well most of the plants are doing good, two of them have not shown any new green growth. I am not sure what is wrong with them. It may just be a coincidence but the two that are growing the most are the two at the back if the channels, do you think this is normal.