My First Bucket System


Active Member
Hey Fellow Growers, I've started my first bucket system w/ dutch master advanced part a and part b nutes.. I transplanted from soil to hydro and i followed the instructions on the bottles (1 litre bottle size) of adding 50 ml of part a nutes and 50 ml of part b nutes for my veggie stage... but after i mixed my first nute solution i read on their website nutes chart they recommend 29 mls of both part a and b for a 3.2 gallon busket system for the first 3 weeks of veggie and then an increase as the weeks proceed but never to the levels of nutes get to 50 mls for a 3 gallon resoviour.. the plant seems healthy.. should i cut back to the websites nutes chart or mix the next solution the same as the first, (50 ml of part a and part b) dutch master veggie formula? my plant is about 3 to 3 1/2" tall... in a 3 gallon bucket sytem w/ airstone... If anybody has any advice i'd really appreciatte any insight... Thanks ;-)