My first cfl grow.



just started my first cfl grow, I've gone for biodiesel automass, veging with 7 30w, but adding 6-8 20w in next couple of days, grow space is limited at 4ft tall 4ft wide and 2ft deep but it'll do, going as organic as possible, on making some chicken manure tea, and guna use some fish blood and bone, grown in John innes no2, not expecting miracles as in my opinion there's no better way to learn than trial and error, but hey it's taking part that counts, cheers for looking, adios.:bigjoint:
View attachment 25527141st day of the adventure.


Well-Known Member
Gettin bigger man.
As they grow, you can add soil up to about a half inch below the lowest leaves until you get the soil level 3/4 inch or so from the top of the pot.


Gettin bigger man.
As they grow, you can add soil up to about a half inch below the lowest leaves until you get the soil level 3/4 inch or so from the top of the pot.
Thankyou fella, my last seed just poped through the soil when I went to turn off lights, everything going well upto now, touch wood it stays the same. Just like to thank ya again for the advice and help mate, greatly apprecieated.


Active Member
With cfl you are better to have more smaller bulbs-Dont listen to the guy above you he is only on his first grow, shouldnt be giving advice....Pack as many as you can in there, as long as your temps are under control, the more the better!


With cfl you are better to have more smaller bulbs-Dont listen to the guy above you he is only on his first grow, shouldnt be giving advice....Pack as many as you can in there, as long as your temps are under control, the more the better!
Yeah I'm also on my first indoor grow, but I knew more smaller ones than less bigger ones are better, I'm running at 27-28c now, running 7 30w and one 20w, looking to add another 6 20w.


Well day 4 for my northern light blue, & day 5 for my bag seed, both looking nice and healthy, watering every second lights on, 200ml per plant, also giving them a light spray every lights on and off, thought I'd share a couple more pics as I'm looking to share my grow all the way throughout so people can learn from a newbie, weather it be mistakes, failure or success. image.jpg


I actually had a seedling sprout in a pot that I had put one seed in, which I believed to be previously sprouted. I know there was only one seed in that pot, seeming as I didnt blaze before doing any of my grow work. There was one damn seedling in ever pot. I germinated them first and then put them in a single pot each. It didnt look healthy and I put it outside. well. I pulled out the weak plant, put it in the ground, and left the pot to later put tomato seeds in a day or two ago, and yesterday, a damn sprout came out of the soil. I know its buddha. It looks the same as all my other babies did.Besides that, the kids are looking great.


With cfl you are better to have more smaller bulbs-Dont listen to the guy above you he is only on his first grow, shouldnt be giving advice....Pack as many as you can in there, as long as your temps are under control, the more the better!
I actually had a seedling sprout in a pot that I had put one seed in, which I believed to be previously sprouted. I know there was only one seed in that pot, seeming as I didnt blaze before doing any of my grow work. There was one damn seedling in ever pot. I germinated them first and then put them in a single pot each. It didnt look healthy and I put it outside. well. I pulled out the weak plant, put it in the ground, and left the pot to later put tomato seeds in a day or two ago, and yesterday, a damn sprout came out of the soil. I know its buddha. It looks the same as all my other babies did.Besides that, the kids are looking great.
Thanks mate, nature works in mysterious ways, they seem to be loving life at the minute, but still early doors yet, got a awful lot to learn, sure il get the results in the end.


image.jpg Just a quick update, bag seed at day 8 in the first two pictures,

image.jpgAnd here is northern light blue day 7 from sprout, 200ml water every 2nd lights on, 28-29c



The bottom plant is my biodiesel automass, at day 6 very slow growing! Don't know if this is down to it being autoflower, that said the last two days it have added more growth than usual, quite happy overall with the process of all 3.


Day 10 for bag seed, day 9 for northern light blue, day 8 for biodiesel, which is really slow growing but seems to be healthy enough, think its because it is potted in its final pot with it been auto flower, watering tonight, so far so good,



Active Member
^ absolutely.. the more the better. your plants will never be all they can be under CFLs but the more you put on them the better you will be.