My first flowering stage


Well-Known Member
Day 2 on flower stage first crop ever. I got the humidity levels to 40 during lights on but at night during "lights off" the humidity levels jumps to 50 is that's okay.?


Well-Known Member
That is ok. It will matter more when the buds appear and are big and thicc. It also depends on your temps. What are your on/off temps?


Well-Known Member
That is ok. It will matter more when the buds appear and are big and thicc. It also depends on your temps. What are your on/off temps?
75 degrees Fahrenheit when the lights are on relatively humidity temperature of 38 to 42 when the lights off it says right now 72 degrees humidity temperature is at a 60 what the fuck.? I mean if it's going to spike this High when the lights are off I probably should get a dehumidifier I don't need it during the day I actually need the humidifier to keep it up to 40


Well-Known Member
Those numbers are all fine. But when the plants get bigger they will produce more humidity in the room. So have a plan to increase ventilation. It sounds like you are in a dry environment so you might never have to worry.


Well-Known Member
Those numbers are all fine. But when the plants get bigger they will produce more humidity in the room. So have a plan to increase ventilation. It sounds like you are in a dry environment so you might never have to worry.
Well I have my intake fan on low so I take it when they start producing bud I should turn on full blast


Well-Known Member
Well I have my intake fan on low so I take it when they start producing bud I should turn on full blast
The intake fan will only add air, that will not reduce humidity in the tent. You can run the intake fan, but you need an exhaust fan running 24/7 to keep air moving thru the tent, with slight negative pressure i.e. the tent walls will be sucked in slightly. Exhaust the air outside if possible.