My first grow 12.5 weeks in


Well-Known Member
Defoliated the girls today. Removed crispy leaves on the autos. They seem to be more sensitive to low humidity light stress as I upped the LED to 100% at 18 in. I dimmed them down to 75%. No more new stresses showing.

The super skunks are just my favorite so far. The handled everything I threw at them. The flowers are awesome and the smell makes me wanna smoke her now.
Autos are in 8th week of flower and the Super skunks are in week 6 of flower. The one doesn't wanna stop throwing lots of pistils. The branches were starting to droop from the bud weight so I tied some up. Hands got sticky so they brewing the resin and trichromes.

Now I switch to organic PK and Calmag for every other watering.



Well-Known Member
Defoliated the girls today. Removed crispy leaves on the autos. They seem to be more sensitive to low humidity light stress as I upped the LED to 100% at 18 in. I dimmed them down to 75%. No more new stresses showing.

The super skunks are just my favorite so far. The handled everything I threw at them. The flowers are awesome and the smell makes me wanna smoke her now.
Autos are in 8th week of flower and the Super skunks are in week 6 of flower. The one doesn't wanna stop throwing lots of pistils. The branches were starting to droop from the bud weight so I tied some up. Hands got sticky so they brewing the resin and trichromes.

Now I switch to organic PK and Calmag for every other watering.


Well-Known Member
Approaching week 14 since seed germ. The WW Autos are getting close to harvest. Seeing a few more amber heads on both. Also see the calyxs starting to swell and stick out. Hoping to harvest them next weekend or whenever the amber is close to 50%.

The one skunk that stayed in peak flower it seemed an extra week or 2 compared to the other skunk plant is finally receding its pistils. Hope to harvest them in 2 to 3 weeks. They already are showing some amber heads now.

The autos seem not to like the LED on 75 to 100%. I tried testing the DLI, LUX and PPFD using phone apps. The DLI at 75% in the middle is around 50. I had it up to 100% about 5 to 6 weeks ago with humidity around 35 to 40%. So it's combo of light and heat burn that hit the autos. It caused the leaves to spot, turn oranges curl up and crispy dry. So in the future I'm not running autos with photos cause the skunk photos was handling the light although they were showing calmag spots too. Since I am feeding cal mag 5ml per gal every other watering.

Already have next grow setup so I can swap out when I harvest all 4. Going to do 2 bubble buckets and 2 organic soil grow of Purple Kush photos after this.

Below updated shots of the plants and the germ/veg setup for the next 4 weeks in the closet.

