My First Grow and Indoors.


Well-Known Member
Whats up guys. Started growing about 4-5 months ago when I gained the privilege of being a caregiver.

I started off with some seeds I was lucky enough to find in some Purple Kush.

Started off germinating about 35 now I have 12 left and are just vegging like crazy.

I have been on a 24 hr light schedule from day one so I haven't seen any precursors to as to which sex they are yet.

Here's some pics of my set up let me know what you think.

My Grow room with 400w MH and 400w HPS for flowering along with Ventilation, carbon air filter, and custom co2 set up.

Heres a couple more of the plants. Let me know what you think.



Active Member
nice work evo. what are you using for co2? store bought or home made?

oh and cut a clone off of each plant to determine it's sex without risking the rest of your ladies' virginity :D flower each clone and it should tell you which plants are male within a week or two. also if you found seeds in some bud you were smoking chances are the genes will probably carry the hermaphroditic gene and could be likely to hermie late into flowering. just a heads up these are always up to natures chances tho!


Well-Known Member
Thank You. I started to clone some but I had some free Olivias cloning solution and that didnt take. Its kept them alive but no roots after like a week. Just went out today and bought olivias cloning gel and just re dipped them and will pull some more clones off tonight labeling them all.

As for co2 im using two 2 liter bottles with 1/4 hose from home depot and auto zone vacuum connectors works mint. Also have a bottle in there with a hole in the top I shake every day for a nice burst of co2 and leave it in there also. Keep the water lvl very low on that one though.

Home Depot also if anyone is interested have dripper set ups and all the fittings to make a really nice watering system.

Ill put the clones into the 12/12 tonight Ill get that all set up and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
I thought hermaphrodite seeds arent usually viable or good ? I was think maybe the guy didnt catch a male in time. would that be possible ?


Active Member
i wouldnt use any seeds from a hermaphrodite just for sake of chance.

yes it is possible that maybe there was a rogue male in the bunch but growers are pretty good about eliminating them especially for commercial sale. were the seeds inside the bud or inside the bottom of a bag or something? was it loaded with seeds or just a few?

id say 50% chance its a hermie cause from stress by the grower and 50% chance that you got a pollinated female bud

only way to know for sure is to grow it and find out!! if you have your medical card you should grab some a few clones from a dispensary they usually have good genetics


Active Member
from my experience, if the plant turned hermie then it should have sexed seeds. ive always gotten females from a mother turned hermie. i got this tip from my local cannibus club.i have tried it an works quite well


Well-Known Member
Oh nice that would be sick. I had a bought a q p off a home grower and ended up with about 35 seeds from it all. Collected them and hoping for the best.

I took a bunch off cuttings today to clone with olivias cloning gel. This would be my first time trying to clone anything never mind maryjane. I took cuttings that looked like they were growing very well on the plant and had at least 3 new shoots above the cut. There looking really limp after cutting and transplanting to rock wool that was wetted with water at a ph of 5.5.

Im hoping tomorrow they look better and Ill put them on a 12/12 light cycle to see what ones are female and the males to be pulled.


Well-Known Member
Trying to think back and now I remember it was every so often there would be a bud that would be packed with seeds and then buds absolutely fine. It was nice purple kush. Inside and out it was purple and just some bomb smoke.

Also forgot to mention we have no dispensaries here in RI right now. There are these meeting but I have yet to get to one. I am still waiting on license to come in.


Well-Known Member
Figured Id post up a new pic. I put them into a 12/12 light cycle starting last night.

Also thought I should elaborate on what I have been using. I am using black golds coco blend, along with the fox farm grow big triple pack, and the international house of bat guano kit.

I only used grow big and mexican bat guano for the two months in veg. Then I started them on Persian Sea Bird guano, tiger bloom.

Now on the 12/12 Im am going to switch to the Big Blooms and Jamaican bat guano i believe.

Then once I get some moms going and some clones I have a full hydroponics set up waiting.


Active Member
Lookin nice man! love all the poo!

I think your using yeast for the co2? if you are do you constanty run a extractor fan sucking air out?
I only ask because I have a still and am planing to use co2 from my brewing.
Also if you want to overdrive your bottles try using 24hour turbo yeast!


Well-Known Member
Yah I have a intake fan set up on the out side of the grow tent to keep air circulating and I have a 200 cfm sun leaves inline fan with a 36" carbon air filter.

I am using three bottle as of right now for co2 production. I had started off with just one inside the GL now I have two more set up on the outside with the hole vacuum line set up you can see.


Well-Known Member
Beautiful looking setup and grow you have
there my friend.
The patient looks to be in good hands!


Well-Known Member
I get all my growing needs from worms way. Its about 15 mins from where I live and if you need it they got it.

Once I get some more cash Im going to go buy the other fox farm triple pack for flowering. beastie blooms cha ching and the other one there I forgot.

Then I have a nice hydroponics or dwc set up what ever it is waiting.


Active Member
looking awesome!

id go get that triple pack since the one of the 3 is the open sesame.

i am looking forward to seeing your progress!


Well-Known Member
Got a nice job to do this week and thinking I may just buy another Grow Lab for flowering another hid set up. Worms way has a nice digital dual voltage ballast for 440 that runs two hids at the same time. Gonna go for the 600w HPS and 600w MH lamps for the new flowering lab and Ill throw the MH in the other vegging tent so there will be 1000w for vegging.

Only problem is then Im stuck with a extra 400w HPS bulb sitting around with no use. Just about need to buy another ballast or even one to run three bulbs would be great.


Active Member
unless im mistaken, if you are running your fan(s) during CO2 release, you're just sucking it out & not getting good the best results. right? i know that CO2 is heavier than regular air and distributes along the floor - but due to CFM of the fans, its going to get pulled out.


Well-Known Member
The intake fan keeps things circulating much faster than my exhaust fan clears it out.

As of right now Im not to worried being the first attempt at growing but after this I will be getting a little more involved with environment controllers and co2 tanks with a regulator instead.

Also after this set in soil I will be making the switch to DWC and aeroponics. I have 2 dwc set ups already and Im making my own aeroponics set up.

Im going for the perpetual grow as soon as things get rolling.