My first grow (Autoflower CFL grow) broke


New Member
I'm only using 1x45w 6500k and 2x30w 2700k for the entire grow because i'm broke :/
I'm currently growing an Autoflowering plant, Anubis from Pyramid seeds.
My Light schedule i'm using all the way through the grow is 18/6, I'm nuting the plant once every week using IONIC bloom. Water schedule is once every 2 days when the topsoil is bone dry. The pot size i'm using is around 5-6 litres, the soil is from B&Q with bone meal added (supplied by grandad).

(seedling stage) 5th May

(1 week old)
11,May,2013 (1 week).jpg

(2 weeks old)
16th May (4).jpg

(3 weeks old)
24,May (2).jpg24,May (4).jpg24,May (8).jpg

(4 weeks old) i think it's started flowering
31,May,2013 (2).jpg31,May,2013 (3).jpg31,May,2013 (5).jpg



Well-Known Member
for the amount of light used, its look really good! Have you grown auto's b4? if so how do you like it? Ive never really liked ruderalis strains but they seem to be catching on.

kush plant

Active Member
yea auto flowers are sweet, i got the afgahn kush lowryder its smells dank n seed supplier claims 100-250 grams yield per plant


New Member
This is the first time i've grown marijuana tbh, i think it's been simple enough to grow and yeah ruderalis is damn good if it's got a sativa indica mix otherwise it's very low thc so i've heard.


They are looking nice. Do you have pic of your grow box, i'm interested in doing the same thing as you. What kind of ventilation (exhaust fan?) do you have if any?.

Also when flowering, do you know if they have a strong smell?


New Member
I don't exactly have a grow box but if you go on you can see what it looks like, i only use a small 12v computer fan and i open my cupboard every few hours so it's not exactly a professional growing enviroment hey :/
As far as the smell goes i'm pretty sure my entire family knows what i'm growing, i recommend you get a carbon filter or something with an exhaust fan if your doing a stealth grow.


Well-Known Member
As you can you really should ad more CFLs to the mix, the more light the more weight the end harvest will be. 105 watts will not get you much of anything, need to need to at least double that. If that is tin foil get it out of there, it makes hot spots, holds in heat and is not very reflective, a white wall in more reflective than tin foil. Switch to 12/12 since they have started to flower, no point in adding the extra time to the lighting, more watts is what you need.


New Member
Ah yes thank you for your useful information however it's useless, you should really read the first post i did, it states i'm broke and it's an autoflower, 12/12 would only decrease my yield at this point.


Well-Known Member
No it wont, 12/12 or 18/6 will not make a difference in yield. Adding more lights or not having enough will though. Add more bulbs as you can, they are cheap you can get a 4 pack for under $10. If you are so broke you cant buy any more lights then sorry but you should not be trying to grow. You also should be able to give the plants more nutes than once a week. I feed mine 5 days a week, water every day.


New Member
Don't mind the negativity. The internet has bred very cinical people. Obviously, he's right that more lights will give a bigger yield, but just the fact that you're here chatting about it probably means you already know that. As long as you're happy and having fun, that's what it's all about. I'm broke too and I'm personally using even less light than you. I've got 2 100w equiv 2700s and 1 100w equiv 6500 in a rubbermaid setup with about 2 or 3 weeks till harvest. I'm going to be lucky to get a 15-20gs dry. I'm not doing it to be swimming in weed. I'm just doing it as a fun little hobby that will give me back something in the end. Same reason I have an outdoor garden with tomatoes, peppers and strawberries. And you know what? When experimenting/hobby growers like you and I get more money to invest in more lighting or other things to improve our grow spaces, we know that we'll just do even better and have more yield than we did with the minimal lighting. But in the meantime, we're getting experience, having fun, and we're gonna get a little free weed for a couple/few months of not a whole lotta effort. I'm very interested in your grow, and look forward to seeing what you get with your minimal lighting compared to what I end up getting. Only difference being, I'm not growing naturally like you are, I've been tying her down since birth banzai-ing/lst'ing. Keep us updated and best of luck.


Well-Known Member
My first 2 grows started out very similar to yours, No money to put into it, not nearly enough lighting and no real idea on what I was doing. Ended up only getting 7 grams per plant on the first grow and around 20 grams per plant on the last grow. After the first big learning curve I got more lights, trained my plants, fed more, controlled temps better and the results of the changes is outstanding. My goal is to be able to grow enough buds to smoke in between grows and not have to buy it any more.


Ah yes thank you for your useful information however it's useless, you should really read the first post i did, it states i'm broke and it's an autoflower, 12/12 would only decrease my yield at this point.
Hi Timmyyo198,
I grew Auto Anubis from Pyramid starting last October. I used 24 hours of light for the first 6 weeks or so. If you can get 3 more 100 watt CFL lamps
then do it. It will make a big difference as all cannabis plants love a lot of light for maximum growth and yield.
I am still growing two of the same plants. I also created my own feminized seeds so I won't have to buy any more. One thing I found out about
this strain is that it can be revegged. Auto-flower plants are not suppose to be able to do that. I am going for my third crop off of the two remaining plants.
They are incredibly bushy and growing like mad. The feminized seeds I created from the first grow are viable based on germination tests. I also like the effects as it seems
to have a good balance of mental and body effects. Seems to be rather powerful too as two full-lung hits from an amount the size of a pencil eraser will put you
in a very nice place. The flowering time seems to be about 8 weeks so the total grow time to mature buds is about 14 weeks from seed. Looks like
it will be about 12 weeks from the revegged plants. So keep on going and growing. You will very much like the results when it is done. And DON'T
harvest the whole plant. You can reveg it to get another crop or two. Cut the buds off when ready and dry normally. Once you have harvested all the
buds then cut the main stalk halfway down and go to 24 hours of light and you will see it take off again and be REALLY bushy the second time for
an even bigger second harvest. I am going to see if I can root some clones as well because that is also said to be not possible with auto-flowering types.
Auto-Anubis seems to be a rather peculiar strain in that you can do all of the same things you can do with photo-period sensitive plants. It seems to have
enough photo-period sensitivity to allow revegging and multiple harvests. I recommend 24 hours of light for vegetative growth and 12/12 for flowering.
It's working fine for me.


Well-Known Member
Ah yes thank you for your useful information however it's useless, you should really read the first post i did, it states i'm broke and it's an autoflower, 12/12 would only decrease my yield at this point.
Welcome to RIU. Your attitude is totally conducive to making many, many friends here.

Since you don't need advice, we'll all just sit back and watch a pro-grower at work.