My first grow box! 150 HPS + CFL


Hi yall, this is my first grow box, I've done one outdoor grow before. Box is about 3'x2'x4' ish~. I've got a powerful exhaust fan, 2 circulating fans, and a 4inch duct fan for intake. I have pretty good air flow, unfortunately I'm in the middle of a heatwave in my area and since my grow is in the garage its been difficult. Before I upgraded my exaust fan I was averaging about 85 degrees with only my 150HPS on. It should be better now, but everything is so hot its hard to tell!! I added 2 four socket vanities at different levels so as the plants grow I can hit the (almost) whole plant with light. Please give me any constructive criticism!! This is my first box, it's been a fun learning experience. I will probably scrap it and start over in a few months once I become more educated. Oh yeah, these clones have been through alot. (chillin in the dark while I finish the box... had a problem with my timer also, they may be slightly confused) Right now I've been running only my 150 HPS 12/12 for a couple days and once they show flowers and grow a little more ill remove some buckets and turn on the first row of CFL.

Here are the pics...

photo 5.JPG6.jpg7.jpg8.jpgphoto 1.JPGphoto 2.JPGphoto 3.JPGphoto 4.JPG


Update on temps... Its 102 outside, 91 in my garage, 87 in my box with lights off. Have you guys been experiencing anything similar? Northern CA


Well-Known Member
yeah mann out in socal its like 109 yesterday and my box was like a high of 87 but thats with lights on


Yeah I think this grow is gonna be a lot tougher than my next one. Starting in September in the garage should be perfect!! I think that my box has such good airflow that it will be pretty close to whatever the garage temp is even with lights on.


Update and question... Heat wave is over. Running about 83 degrees with the lights on.

What is the ideal height plant for a box like this?? I built this box with the intention of removing buckets as the plants get taller. Now I realize that a shorter, bushier plant is ideal. I think my box is too tall. I was planning on ending up with a 3ft plant... but will that end up being very stretched given my set up? I might just build a shelf underneath the box to tighten things up... plus less space will make the air circulate faster I guess.


Well-Known Member
You can just train your plant during veg to stay short. With 4 feet you should be alright I do a 12-12 from seed and my 150 makes em stretch hard and I only have 3 feet in height plus take off 5 inches for the light and I haven't had to train my lemon kush yet I know im going to have top it though or supercrop and its in flower she doesn't care that it's like 3 inchs from bulb and just keeps on going


Is a short bushy plant better? Like does it give you a better yield? I'm just worried that I had a bunch of wasted space in my box, and ill never need to put the pots all the way to the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Its up to you on how to utilize the space. You could do 2 well trained champs but you have to keep an even canopy to get the best use of the 150 battling it myself at this moment.