My First Grow! Critical Kali Mist and White Widow!

Hey everyone! Alright so I took the plunge and now I'm growing for the first time :D! I have to say I'm really surprised how this all happened. So, my dad is a hardcore gardener but I thought he'd be against me growing. Turns out he's excited about it! He's letting me use a starter kit in my basement for starting all my mothers (I don't plan on cloning). Anyway, They're growing amazingly well. I've used miracle grow and they seem to love it. Currently growing 5 Critical Kali Mist fem and 1 white widow and I'm not sure of its sex. The other white widow died very fast as it was a bad seed and hardly sprouted. Still, got an awesome germination rate! The widows were free anyway so whatever.

I've also ordered 5 easy ryder seeds and they should be here soon. I'll keep you guys posted on that.

So, my first grow is turning out great so far! I just sprayed the babies with anti-fungal stuff to keep they happy and healthy.

One thing that's kind of sketchy... We found spider mites on a plant (not weed) upstairs. We immediately sprayed the plant and I washed my hands. I'm being very careful not to transfer mites!

I've attached a pic of my plants. They're just a week old and are growing like weeds! I wonder why :P!

By the way, if you're wondering why some of the plants don't look like weed it's because they aren't. There's an apple tree there that I sprouted and some lemon seeds I'm waiting to sprout. There are also some peppers that should be sprouting soon.

Thanks for following my journal! I'll give a report each week and I may need some help with harvesting info. I'll also give a smoke report in the end!



Well-Known Member
well u got them sprouted? what kind of lights r u using, cfls? If so u want to lower them to about a bit less then 2 inches above the plants...they r stretching a LOT & u want to stop that asap before they fall over.
well u got them sprouted? what kind of lights r u using, cfls? If so u want to lower them to about a bit less then 2 inches above the plants...they r stretching a LOT & u want to stop that asap before they fall over.
They're sativa though... Aren't they supposed to stretch? How can I stop stretching exactly? And yeah 80 watts of cfls. They'll be going outside in a few weeks when warmer weather comes.


Well-Known Member
sativa stretch is in flowering which tends to be tall, thin, etc. not as seedlings. again what lights r u using, u need to get them closer to the tops of the plants...r u using cfl lighting?


Well-Known Member
u need to move the lights down to a bit less then 2 inches above the tops of ur seedlings to control the stretch. They r too far away & the plant r stretching (trying to reach for more light).


Well-Known Member
or....elevate ur plants on something to move them closer to the light it that is easier then moving the light down.


Well-Known Member
they will now start growing with tighter internodes, but Again being a sativa it is going to be tall & lanky in the end, unless u choose to top & or start lst in a couple of weeks. Give them a few days to adjust to the light & then make sure u run a light fan on them at least 1 hour a day, to help strengthen the stems.