My first grow.. Early stages questions


Active Member
alright this is my first grow.. i have a DWC Hydroponic system and im using Peat pellets as a soil substitute around that i have hydroton pellets my question is that one of my seeds i know for a fact has germinated i transplanted it into the peat after germinating it in another way.. my big question is this its been in the peat pellet for about 4-5 days now.. and i havent seen any sucinificant actitiy i did notice that the root had pushed back up to the surface and i carfully put it back down into the peat moss but basicly i wanna know when i should expect to see it break ground.. or should it have aready done so.. should i be weary'ed

not that its revelavant to germination that i know of but i currently have two 42W CFL lights on them putting out 2750 Lumens each and soon i will ad a UVB light i read that it stimulates the production of THC

but for now im starting to get concerned that it may be stressed is this normal or should i have seen actitivy by now

bud buddy 420

Active Member
most def you should have seen some kind of action by now. I don't know about the pelets but I have one plant 12 inches and it sprouted the next day after I planted it in the soil


Active Member
ermm.. i was wearied that i'd hear that..i dunno when i germinated the seed it sprouted a big white root.. it was probley three quarters of a inch long and i transplanted it into the peat moss from there. i dont have any nuets on them at this stage i do have lights but they are a good 3-4 feet above them do you or anyone think it has any chance of survival


Active Member
i recently checked and the two seeds i put directly into the peat moss have now germinated and sprouted white roots however still no above ground activity do certain seeds or strains take longer to break ground?


Active Member
this is a legit question.. and yet nobody wants to help.. why is that im just looking to collaborate with other growers and i'd greatly appericate others options so if anyone has any advice or comments it will be much appericated


Active Member
i no how you fell i just get put down on my plants saying there weak and streched and bla bla bla i dont really know bout indoors but i do know the lights need to be closer try 1/2 footabove ok write back mate


Well-Known Member
That is strange. You say you had to push the root back down, did you plant the seed upside down? Like with the tap root facing up, or did you put the seed in tap root first? You shouldn't ever have to push the root back in.
Usually with a good size tap root like yours it should only take two or so days for the seed to break ground. I would give them another few days and see what happens. If nothing does happen, then I would either start some new seeds or try carefully fishing the seed out and seeing if there is anyway you can do.


Active Member
ni i didnt have to put the root down look at my pics people are saying there streched and weak but i dont know how there getting lots of sunlight and good nutes and stuff whats wrong with them ???they will grow wont they ??? and were abouts they are they get sun from seven thirty to nine pm at night ???


Active Member
Naraku: at this point I'm guessing that your problem is fixed. But just in case you need some advice, mine is to not worry. If the seedlings has roots, it will sprout unless the soil is extremely hard, you plant the seed too deep (it shouldn't be more than a 1/2 inch deep, but it will still pop through if it is lower), or you completely dry out the soil. I've had one seed sprout in two days, and the same seed from the same plant sprout in I think 4 or 5. I find that even planting them upside down won't stop them... they know which way is up and will switch directions if you invert them.

you will get a better response if you create your own thread. But as for some ideas... the pic of your ceiling helps. That light way is really narrow, and unless the sun tracks from the top of that pic exactly through the bottom, it seems hard that you will have sunlight from 7:30am-9pm, even if you lived at the north pole in the summer. Check your plants every half hour and see how much DIRECT sunlight is hitting them. You can add a CFL for each plant to augment the sunlight, that might get it a little bushier. If you leave them how they are, they will grow, but since the goal is to produce bud, you will have to maintain a regular lighting schedule during vegetative stages and during flowering stage. And correct lighting means direct light hitting the plant, not just exposed to daylight. Get what I mean?


Well-Known Member
Haha, alright since you asked so nicely. Your plants really don't look that bad. They might be a little skinny so you'll have to tie them up later in their life. if there is anyway to get a fan in there, or some kind of wind that will help strengthen them up.

I can't tell from the pics if the tips are yellowing, but if they are you might be over fertilizing. Try using just water for a few weeks and see how their looking.
Some look a little twisted, but thats all genetics so theirs not way of avoiding it. Just keep on doing what your doing, and if you run into problems start a thread:wink:


Active Member
kk bruv thanks mate i got them a fan on them as we speak bro how long does fan need to be there mate ??

thanks ever so much mate


Active Member
KILROY:i no it looks narrow but light hits it from morning to night honest i aint got the time and money for the lights i prefer sunlight it does get it from morning to night def so will it be ok then mate ?


Active Member
Yeah, it will be ok. Sunlight is best. Lights don't need to be expensive... try experimenting with some regular desk lamps with CFLs. Compact Fluorescents use little energy but are bright. It won't cause any harm, just don't block the sunlight with the lamp, and don't let the plants touch the bulb, but keep it real close. The bulbs start from $3 each and get more expensive the higher the watts. If you have some lying around, just try adding it to one of your plants and see if anything changes. No harm in trying something like that since it is real cheap.